861 |
Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session. The petition of John Earl of Loudon, ..
John Campbell Loudoun, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
862 |
Defences and objections to the claim of John Earl of Broadalbane
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
863 |
Subtance of the speech of the the Right Honorable the Earl of Westmoreland, in the House of Lords, - On the motion for the recommitment of the slave trade limitation bill, on the fifth day of July, 1799. (Published at the request of the West India merchants and planters.)
John Fane Westmorland, Earl of
1799 |
Engelska |
864 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, petition and claim of John Earl of Breadalbane, and John Lord Glenorchy, his only son and heir
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
865 |
Case on the claim of John Butler of the castle of Kilkenny, Esq. to the dignities of Earl of Ormond, Earl of Ossory, and Viscount Thurles
John Butler Ormonde, Earl of
1791 |
Engelska |
866 |
The justly admired speech of the attorney-general of Ireland, delivered in the House of Commons, on Monday, August 15, 1785
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1785 |
Engelska |
867 |
Pet. Earl of Breadalbane, against Lord Monboddo's interlocutor. John Campbell, W.S. agent. Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of the Right Honourable John Earl of Breadalbane, ..
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1789 |
Engelska |
868 |
A letter directed to the Right Honourable the Earl of Perth, governour to the Prince,
John Drummond Melfort, Earl of
1701? |
Engelska |
869 |
Katherine Lyon, widow, appellant. The Right Honourable John Earl of Aboyne, an infant, and others, respondents. The respondents case
John Gordon Aboyne, Earl of
1715 |
Engelska |
870 |
The Right Honourable John Earl of Clanrickard. Appellant. Gerald Burke, Esq; respondent. The respondent's case
Gerald Burke, Esq
1716 |
Engelska |
871 |
The Right Honble John, E. of Clanricarde, appellant Coll. Tho. Bourke, the Hon. William Steuart, Esq; and Lady Grandison his wife, respts. The appellant's case
John Bourke Clanricarde, Earl of
1715 |
Engelska |
872 |
The Right Hononrable sic John Earl of Clanricard, in the kingdom of Ireland, appellant. Lieut. General William Stewart, Katherine Lady Grandison his wife, and Coll. Tho. Bourke, respondent. The respondent Collonel Thomas Bourke's case
Thomas Bourke, Colonel
1715 |
Engelska |
873 |
John Earl of Clanricard, in the kingdom of Ireland. Appellant. Gerald Burke, Esq; respondent. The appellant's case
John Bourke Clanricarde, Earl of
1716 |
Engelska |
874 |
The speech of the Right Honourable John, earl of Clare, lord high chancellor of Ireland, Monday, February 19, 1798, on motion made by the Earl of Moira, - "That an humble address be presented to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant to state, that as Parliament had consided to His Excellency extraordinary powers in order to support the laws and defeat traiterous combinations in this country, we feel it our duty-as those powers have not produced the desired effect-to recommend the adoption of such conciliatory measures as may allay apprehensions and discontent" (Printed by authority.)
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1798 |
Engelska |
875 |
Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, in a series of letters from John Earl of Orrery, to his son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle
John Boyle Orrery, Earl of
Engelska |
876 |
Petition and additional answers for John Earl of Breadalbane. To the petition of James Menzies of Culdares, and Angus MacDonald of Kenknock
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1738 |
Engelska |
877 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of John Earl of Breadalbane, ..
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1738 |
Engelska |
878 |
The Right Honourable John, Earl of Clanricard, and Michael, Lord Dunkellin, his son and heir, appellants. The Honourable Colonel Thomas Bourke, and Hellen, Countess Dowager of Clanricard his wife, respondents. The appellant's case
John Bourke Clanricarde, Earl of
1718 |
Engelska |
879 |
The Rt Honble John Earl of Clanrickard, and Michael, Lord Dunkellin, his eldest son. Appellts. Thomas Bourke, Esq; and the Right Honble Hellen Countess Dowager of Clanrickard, his wife, respondts. The respondents case
Thomas Bourke, Colonel
1718 |
Engelska |
880 |
The first ode of the first book of Horace - imitated, and inscribed to the Earl of Chesterfield. By John, Earl of Orrery
John Boyle Orrery, Earl of
1741 |
Engelska |