881 |
Gud och världen - tro och liv i vår tid : ett samtal med Peter Seewald
Benedictus, XVI, påve
2007 |
Svenska |
882 |
Newes from France. - Being a true copy of a letter sent from Mounsieur Du Plesis Cardinall Richlieu, Cardinall of France, to the Queen, concerning many matters of great note, and high consequence. Faithfully translated out of French into English, by Richard Jackson. Together with His Majesties second message to the Parliament, concerning Sir Iohn Hothams refusall to give His Majestie entrance into his town of Hull. April 28. MDCXLII
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
1642 |
Engelska |
883-884 |
The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome, - concerning the divisions of the papists of England, their difference in government, whether by bishops or Jesuites, with the care of his Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England, for making priests to increase the Catholike number. Whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the Cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse
(flera utgåvor)
Jacques Davy Du Perron
Printed in the yeere, 1641 |
Engelska |
885-887 |
The vvill, and legacies, of Cardinall Richelieu, the grand pollititian of France; - together with certaine instructions which he left the French King. Also some remarkeable passages that hath happened in France, since the death of the said cardinall. Translated out of the French copie, by G. Dugres
(flera utgåvor)
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
1643 |
Engelska |
888 |
The reply of the most illustrious Cardinall of Perron, to the ansvveare of the most excellent King of Great Britaine the first tome
Jacques Davy Du Perron
1630 |
Engelska |
889-890 |
Emblema animæ or Morrall discourses reflecting upon humanitie. Written by John du Plessis now Cardinall of Richleu. Translated by I.M. Also varietie of obseruations delightfull to the minde
(flera utgåvor)
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
1635 |
Engelska |
891 |
Incipit Paruu bonu Doctoris seraphici sacti Bonauenture ordis sancti fracisci: quod alias incendium amoris dicitur vel regimen conscientie: vel fons vite
Bonaventura, helgon
Anno domini M. CCCCC. xi. die vero .vj. mensis februarij 1511 |
Latin |
892 |
Examen pacifique de la doctrine des Huguenots - Prouuant contre les Catholiques rigoureux de nostre temps & particulierement contre les obiections de la response faicte a l'Apologie Ctholique sic, que nous qui sommes membres de l'Eglise Catholique Apostolique & Romaine ne deurions pas condemner les Huguenots pour heretiques iusques a ce qu'on ait faict nouuelle preuue
Henry Constable
Octob. 1589 |
Franska |
893 |
An oration made on the part of the Lordes spirituall - in the chamber of the Third Estate (or communality) of France, vpon the oath (pretended of allegiance) exhibited in the late Generall Assembly of the three Estates of that kingdome: by the Lord Cardinall of Peron, arch-bishop of Sens, primate of Gaule and Germany, Great Almenour of France &c. Translated into English, according to the French copy, lately printed at Paris, by Antoine Estiene. Whereunto is adioyned a preface, by the translatour
Jacques Davy Du Perron
Permissu superiorum. M. DC. XVI. 1616 |
Engelska |
894 |
The principall points of the faith of the Catholike Church - Defended against a writing sent to the King by the 4. ministers of Charenton. By the most eminent. Armand Ihon de Plessis Cardinal Duke de Richelieu. Englished by M.C. confessor to the English nuns at Paris
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
M. DC. XXXV. 1635 |
Engelska |
895 |
A letter vvritten from Paris, by the Lord Cardinall of Peron, to Monsr. Casaubon in England
Jacques Davy Du Perron
Anno M.DC.XII. 1612 |
Engelska |
896 |
A letter written by the French king to the Cardinall Richieleu - occasioned upon a letter ... from Pope Vrban the 8, intimating the miserable condition the Catholicks (both in England and Ireland) are like to come into, and upon some late proceedings of the Parliament in England : commanding the said cardinall to hold and observe the like strict hand towards the Hugonets, or Protestants, in France : whereunto is added the Cardinals answer to His Majesty and expression of his zeale in the observation of his commands therin
Louis, XIII, King of France
1642 |
Engelska |
897 |
The compleat statesman, or, The political will and testament of that great minister of state, Cardinal Duke de Richilieu - from whence Lewis the XIV ... has taken his measures and maxims of government : in two parts
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
1695 |
Engelska |
898 |
The political will and testament of that great minister of state, Cardinal Duke de Richelieu - from whence Lewis the XIV, the present French king, has taken his measures and maxims of government : in two parts
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
MDCXCV 1695 |
Engelska |
899 |
Letters of the Cardinal Duke du Richelieu - great minister of state to Lewis XIII of France
Armand-Jean du Plessis Richelieu, kardinal, hertig av
1698 |
Engelska |
900 |
A Collection of novels - viz, the secret history of the Earle of Essex and Queen Elizabeth, The happy slave, and, the double cuckold : to which is added, The art of pleasing in conversation, by Cardinal Richlieu
1699 |
Engelska |