881 |
The newe boke of iustices of peas, made by Anthony Fitzherbard iudge, lately translated out of Frenche into Englyshe. The yere of our Lorde God M.D.XL. The .xxix. daye of December. Cum priuilegio
Anthony Fitzherbert, Sir
1540 |
Engelska |
882 |
A treatise of the lavves of the forest - vvherein is declared not onely those lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of forests: and what a forest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a parke, or a warren ... Also a treatise of the pourallee, declaring what pourallee is, how the same first began, what a pourallee man may do, how he may hunt and vse his owne pourallee ... Collected, as well out of the common lawes and statutes of this land, as also out of sundrie learned auncient authors, and out of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster, by Iohn Manvvood. Whereunto are added the statutes of the forest, a treatise of the seuerall offices of verderors, regardors, and foresters ... neuer heretofore printed for the publique
John Manwood
Anno Dom. 1615 |
Engelska |
883 |
A treatise and discourse of the lawes of the forrest - wherin is declared not onely those lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of forrestes: and what a forrest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a park, or a warren ... Also a treatise of the purallee, declaring what purallee is, how the same first began, what a purallee man may doe, how he may hunt and vse his owne purallee ... Collected and gathered together, aswell out of the common lawes and statutes of this land, as also out of sundry learned auncient aucthors, and out of the assisses and iters of Pickering and Lancaster, by Iohn Manwood
John Manwood
1598 |
Engelska |
884 |
A collection in English, of the statutes now in force, continued from the beginning of Magna Charta, made in the 9. yeere of the reigne of King H. 3. vntill the ende of the session of Parliament holden in the 31. yeere of the reigne of our gratious Queene Elizabeth - vnder titles placed by order of alphabet: wherein is perfourmed (touching the statues wherewith Iustices of the Peace haue to deale) so much as was promised in the booke of their office lately published. For which purpose also the statutes concerning those iustices haue this marke ... at the beginning, and this marke * at the ende of them, noted in the magent ouer against the same. ...
England and Wales
anno 1591 |
Engelska |
885 |
Le bregement de toutes les estatutes - aussi bien des vielles come des nouelles, nouellement abbreges, correctes, et amendes par Guillame Owein du medile temple
England and Wales
Anno domini Millesimo quingentesimo vigesimo primo 1521 |
Romanskt språk |
886-887 |
An abstract of all the penal statutes which be general, in force and vse - wherein is conteyned the effect of all those statutes which do threaten to the offendors thereof the losse of life, member, lands, goods, or other punishment or forfeiture whatsoeuer. Whereunto is also added in their apt titles, the effect of all other statutes, wherein there is any thing materiall and necessarie for eche subiect to knowe. Moreouer, the aucthoritie and duetie of all iustices, sherifes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, bailiffes, customers, comptrollers of custome, stewards of leetes and liberties, aulnegers and purueyors, and what things by the letter of seuerall statutes in force they may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, and by him corrected and augmented sithence the Parliament holden Anno 27. Reginæ Elizabethæ
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
1586 |
Engelska |
888 |
A collection of sundrie statutes, frequent in vse - with notes in the margens, and references to the booke cases and bookes of entries and registers, where they be treated of. Together with an abridgement of the residue which be expired, repealed, altered, and worne out of vse, or doe concerne priuat persons, places, or things, and not the whole commonvvealth. Whereunto be added certaine materiall statutes, neuer printed before in English. Also a necessarie table, or kalender, is annexed hereunto, expressing in titles the most materiall branches of those statutes in vse, and practise. By Fardinando Pulton, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire
England and Wales
1618 |
Engelska |
889-890 |
A collection in English, of the statutes now in force - continued from the beginning of Magna Charta, made in the 9. yere of the raigne of King H. 3. vntill the end of the Parliament holden in the 7. yere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord King Iames, vnder titles placed by order of alphabet: wherein is performed (touching the statutes wherewith iustices of the peace haue to deale) so much as was promised in the booke of their office lately published. ... Hereunto are added two tables: the one at the beginning of the booke, declaring vnder titles by order of alphabet, the substance of such referments as stood at the end of each title in the first collection of statutes, set forth by M. Iustice Rastall. ... In the other table ... are set downe by order of the kings raignes, the seuerall times of their Parliaments, together with the sundry chapters and intitulings of the particular statutes in euerie of the same
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
Anno Dom. 1603 |
Engelska |
891 |
A colleccion of all the statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde, 1557) whiche were before that yere imprinted - VVhereunto be addyd the colleccion of the statutes, made in the fourth and fift yeres of the reignes of kyng Philip and Quene Mary, and also the statutes made in the fyrst yere of the raigne of our souerayne Lady Quene Elizabeth. And furst a pistle, necessary to be redde by them that shall vse this booke
England and Wales
1559 |
Engelska |
892-893 |
De pace Regis et regni - viz. A treatise declaring vvhich be the great and generall offences of the realme, and the chiefe impediments of the peace of the King and kingdome, as treasons, homicides, and felonies ... and by whom and what meanes the said offences, and the offendors therein are to be restrained, repressed, or punished. ... Collected out of the reports of the common lawes of this realme, and of the statutes in force, and out of the painefull workes of the reuerend iudges, Sir Anthonie Fitzharbert, Sir Robert Brooke, Sir William Stanford, Sir Iames Dyer, Sir Edward Coke, Knights, and other learned writers of our lawes, by Ferdinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, Esquier
(flera utgåvor)
Ferdinando Pulton
an. Dom. 1623 |
Engelska |
894 |
A collection in English, of the statutes now in force, continued from the beginning of Magna Charta, made in the 9. yeere of the reigne of King H.3. vntill the ende of the session of Parliament holden in the 28. yeere of the reigne of our gratious Queene Elizabeth - vnder titles placed by order of alphabet: wherein is performed (touching the statutes wherewith Iustices of the Peace haue to deale) so much as was promised in the booke of their office lately published. For which purpose also the statutes concerning those iustices haue this marke ... at the beginning, and this marke * at the ende of them, noted in the margent ouer against the same. ...
England and Wales
Anno 1588 |
Engelska |
895 |
The iustices of peas - The boke of iustyces of peas the charge with all the processe of the cessyons, warrantes supersedias and all that longeth to ony iustyce to make endytementes of haute treason petyt treason felonyes appeles trespas vpon statutes, trespas contra Regis pacem nocumentis with dyuers thynges more as it appereth in the kalender of the same boke
In the yere of our lorde M.CCCCC.&.xv. 1515 |
Engelska |
896 |
The boke of iustices of peas - the charge with all the proces of the cessyons, warrantes, supersedias, and all that longeth to any iustyce to make enditementes of, haute treason, petit treason, felonyes, appelles trespas vpon statutes, trespas contra Regis pacem, nocumentis, with diuers thynges more, as it appereth in the kalender of the same boke
1533? |
Latin |
897 |
A kalender, or table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that haue beene made and put in print, beginning with Magna Charta, enacted anno 9. H.3. and proceeding one by one, vntill the end of the session of Parliament holden Anno 3. R. Iacobi - declaring by certaine characters, which of the same statutes or braunches of statutes, be repealed, which be expired, which be altered in the whole, or part, which be worne out of vse, which were ordained for particuler persons, or places, and which being generall, in force, and vse, are inserted in the seuerall titles of this abridgement. Whereunto is annexed an abridgement of all the statutes ... together with the authoritie and duetie of iustices, sherifes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, bailifes, customers, stewards of leets and liberties, and what things by seuerall statutes in force they must, may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Editum per mandatum Domini Regis
England and Wales
An. Dom. 1606 |
Engelska |
898 |
A kalender, or table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that haue beene made and put in print, beginning with Magna Charta, enacted anno 9. H.3. and proceeding one by one, vntill the end of the session of Parliament holden anno 4. R. Iacobi - declaring by certaine characters, which of the same statutes or braunches of statutes, be repealed, which be expired, which be altered in the whole, or part, which be worne out of vse, which were ordained for particuler persons, or places, and which being generall, in force, and vse ... Whereunto is annexed an abridgement of all the statutes ... together with the authoritie and duetie of iustices, sherifes, coroners, escheators, maiors, bailifes, customers, stewards of leets and liberties ... Editum per mandatum Domini Regis. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolns Inne esquire, and by him againe augmented, sithence the session of Parliament holden anno quarto Regis Iacobi
England and Wales
An. Dom. 1608 |
Engelska |
899 |
A kalender, or table, comprehending the effect of all the statutes that haue beene made and put in print, beginning with Magna Charta, enacted anno 9. H.3. and proceeding one by one, vntill the end of the session of Parliament holden anno 7. R. Iacobi - declaring by certaine characters, which of the same statutes or braunches of statutes, be repealed, which be expired, which be altered in the whole, or part, which be worne out of vse, which were ordained for particular persons, or places, and which being generall, in force, and vse ... Whereunto is annexed an abridgement of all the statutes ... together with the authoritie and duetie of iustices, sherifes, coroners, escheators, maiors, bailifes, customers, stewards of leetes and liberties ... Editum per mandatum Domini Regis. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolns Inne esquire, and by him againe augmented, sithence the session of Parliament holden anno septimo Regis Iacobi
England and Wales
An. Dom. 1612 |
Engelska |
900 |
A collection of sundry statutes, frequent in use - with notes in the margent and references to the book cases and books of entries and registers, where they be treated of. Together with an abridgement of the residue which be expired, repealed, altered, and worn out of use, or doe concern private persons, places, or things, and not the whole common-wealth. Also a necessary table, or kalender, is annexed hereunto, expressing in titles the most materiall branches of those statutes in use, and practice. By Fardinando Pulton, of Lincolnes Inne, Esquire
England and Wales
1636 |
Engelska |