921 |
The last part of the Mirour for magistrates - wherein may be seene by examples passed in this realme, vvith howe greenous sic plagues, vyces are punished in great princes & magistrats, and hovv frayle and vnstable vvorldly prosperity is founde, where fortune seemeth most highly to fauour
1578 |
Engelska |
922-923 |
A treatyce of morall philosophy - containing the sayinges of the wise. Wherin you may see the woorthy and piththye sayinges of philosophers, emperours, kinges, and oratours: of theyr lyues, theyr aunswers, of what lignage they came of, and of what countrey they were. Whose woorthy & notable preceptes, counsayles, parables & semblables, doothe hereafter folowe
(flera utgåvor)
William Baldwin
1575 |
Engelska |
924-927 |
A treatise of morall philosophie - containing the sayings of the wise: wherein you may see the worthie & pithie sayings of philosophers, emperors, kings, and oratours: of their liues, their answers, of what linage they came of, and of what countrie they wer: whose worthy sentences, notable precepts, counsels, parables, and semblables, doe hereafter folow. First gathered and partly set foorth by William Baudwin, and now the fourth time since that inlarged by Thomas Paulfreyman
(flera utgåvor)
William Baldwin
ca. 1635 |
Engelska |
928 |
A treatise of morrall philosophie - wherein is contained the worthy sayings of philosophers, emperours, kings, and oratours: their liues and answeres: of what linage they came: and of what country they were: whose worthy sentences, notable precepts, counsels, and parables, doe hereafter follow. First gathered and set forth by William Baulwin, and now the fourth time since inlarged by Thomas Palfreyman, Gentleman
William Baldwin
1610 |
Engelska |
929 |
A treatise of morall phylosophie - contaynyng the sayinges of the wyse. Gathered and Englyshed by Wylliam Baldwyn
William Baldwin
the .xx. daye of Ianuarie, in the yeare of oure Lorde. 1547 |
Engelska |
930 |
The canticles or balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh metres, by William Baldwin
M. D. XLIX 1549 |
Engelska |
931 |
The mirour for migistrates sic - wherein may bee seene, by examples passed in this realme, with how greeuous plagues vices are punished in great princes and magistrates, and how fraile and vnstable worldly prosperity is found, where fortune seemeth most highly to fauour: newly imprinted, and with the addition of diuers tragedies enlarged
1587. Cum priuilegio |
Engelska |
932 |
A mirour for magistrates - being a true chronicle historie of the vntimely falles of such vnfortunate princes and men of note, as haue happened since the first entrance of Brute into this iland, vntill this our latter age
1610 |
Engelska |
933 |
The funeralles of King Edward the sixt - VVherin are declared the causers and causes of his death
William Baldwin
Anno domini. 1560 |
Engelska |
934 |
A myrroure for magistrates - Wherein may be seen by example of other, with howe greuous plages vices are punished: and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperitie is founde, even of those, whom fortune seemeth most highly to fauour. Anno. 1559
1559 |
Engelska |
935 |
A royall elegie - Briefly describing the vertuous reigne, and happy (though immature) death of the most mightie and renowmed prince, King Edvvard the sixth, King of England, France and Ireland, &c. Who died in the sixteenth yeere of his age, and in the seuenth yeere of his reigne. Written by Sir Iohn Cheke, Knight, anno 1553. Neuer before published, but most worthy to be read of all estates in these our dayes
William Baldwin
1610 |
Engelska |
936 |
A treatise of morall phylosophye - contayning the sayinges of the wyse. Gathered and Englyshed by Wylliam Baldewyn
William Baldwin
the fyrst day of Februarye, in the yeare of oure Lorde. M.D.L.1550 |
Engelska |
937 |
A treatice of morall philosophye - containynge the sayinges of the wyse. VVherein you may see the woorthye and pithye sayinges of phylosophers, emperoures, kynges, and oratours: of their lyues, their aunswers, of what image they came of, and of what countrey they were. Whose woorthye and notable precepts, counsailes, parables and semblables, doothe hereafter followe. Fyrst gathered and set foorthe by Wylliam Baudwin
William Baldwin
the first of Iuly. 1567 |
Engelska |
938 |
Wonderfull newes of the death of Paule the. iii. last byshop of Rome - and of diuerse thynges that after his death haue happened, wherein is trulye set ... the abominable actes of his most mischeuous life. Written in Latin by. P. Esquillus, and Englyshed by W. B. Londoner
Matthias Flacius
1552? |
Engelska |
939 |
A maruelous hystory intitulede, beware the cat
William Baldwin
1584 |
Engelska |
940 |
A treatice of morall philosophy - contaynynge the sayinges of the wyse, wherein you maye see the woorthye and pythye sayinges of philosophers, emperors, kynges, and oratours: of their liues, their aunsweres, of what linage they came of, and of what countrey they were, whose woorthy sentences, notable preceptes, counsailes, parables and semblables, doe hereafter followe. First gathered and partly set forth by William Baudwin, and nowe the fourth time since thatenlarged by Thomas Paulfreyman, one of the gentlemen of the Queenes maiesties chapell
William Baldwin
the first of Iuly Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1579 |
Engelska |