10341 |
A proclamacion, set furthe by the Kynges Maiestie - with the assent of his derest uncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, gouernor of his moste royall persone, and of his realmes dominions and subiectes protector, and others of his moste honorable priuey counsaill, concernyng theffect of his maiesties pardon graunted to certain of his subiectes lately hauyng made vnlawfull riottes and assembles
England and Wales
M.D.XLIX. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. 1549 |
Engelska |
10342 |
A proclamacion, set furth by the kynges Maiestye - with thassent of his derest vncle, Edward Duke of Somerset, gouernour of his moste royall persone, and of his realmes, dominions and subiectes protector, and others of his most honorable counsayle for the executyng of a lawe martiall for payne of death against rebellors and their vpstyrrors
England and Wales
1549 |
Engelska |
10343-10344 |
A proclamacion set furth by thee Kynges Maiesty - wyth the aduise of hys moost honorable Counsaill, for the aduoydyng of ydle persones out of the citie of London
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
Mense maii. A, M.D,L. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum 1550 |
Engelska |
10345 |
A proclamation, aswel for restrainct of cariyng of graine out of the realme and order of bringyng of the same to the markettes, as also for restraynct of cariyng out of all kindes of victuailles and certain other commodites of the realme, set furth by the kynges Maiestie, with thaduise of his highnes counsaill, for reformacion of the exessiue prices of thesame, the.xxiiii. of September, the. iiij. yere of his most noble reigne
England and Wales
A,M,D,L, 1550 |
Engelska |
10346 |
A proclamation, aswel for restrainct of cariyng of graine out of the realme and order of bringyng of the same to the markettes, as also for restraynct of cariyng out of all kindes of victualles and certain other commodites of the realme, set furth by the kynges Maiestie, with thaduise of his highnes counsaill, for reformacion of the excessiue prices of thesame, the .xx. of October, the. iiij. yere of his most noble reigne
England and Wales
M. D. L. 1550 |
Engelska |
10347 |
By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie continuing her most gracious purpose, to the reformation of the base monies of this realme ..
England and Wales
ca. 1618 |
Engelska |
10348 |
A proclamation for the marchauntes aduenturers - ... Elizabeth dei gratia Angliæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, Regina fidei defensor, &c. ...
England and Wales
1618 |
Engelska |
10349 |
By the Quenes Maiestie. Elizabeth by the grace of God Quene of Englande Fraunce and Ireland, defendour of the fayth. etc ...
England and Wales
1558 |
Engelska |
10350 |
By the Queene. Whereas by diuerse and sundrie proclamations heeretofore published ... restraint was giuen and made, that no shippes, crayres, uessels, shipmasters, mariners or sea-faring men whatsoeuer, of this realme of England, or the Teritories of the same ..
England and Wales
ca. 1618 |
Engelska |
10351 |
By the Quene. The Quenes Maiestie vnderstanding that there be certaine persons, hauing in times past the office of ministery in the churche, which nowe do purpose to vse their former office in preaching and ministery ..
England and Wales
1558 |
Engelska |
10352 |
By the Quene. The Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be ... to absteyne form kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes ..
England and Wales
1559 |
Engelska |
10353 |
By the Quene. Where as the Quenes maiestie, hath in his present laste session of parliament ... to repeale sondrye actes of parliament made in the time of the late Queene her maisties sister, and to reuyue and make good certaine other necessarie and godly lawes ... amongst the whiche one godlye acte there is reuiued, entituled: an acte against such persons as shal vnreuerently speake against the Sacrament of the bodie and bloude of Christ ...
England and Wales
Anno.M.D.LIX 1559 |
Engelska |
10354 |
By the Queene. A proclamation for the prises of wine
England and Wales
1572 |
Engelska |
10355 |
By the Quene. The Quenes maiestie considering howe necessary it is and pleasynge to almyghtye God, to haue concorde and peace with al princes - ... hath therefore ... passed, concluded and agreed, a good, perfect, syncere and perpetuall amitie, peace ... betwene hir most excellent Maiestie ... and the ryght high and mighty Prince Henry the French Kyng
England and Wales
Anno.M.D.LIX 1559 |
Engelska |
10356 |
By the Queene. Where in the parliament holden at Westminster, ... there was for the reliefe of diuers poore decayed townes, and of great multitudes of her poor subiectes, who otherwise were likely to perishe, or to become vnprofitable and daungerous to the common weale, among other prouided and established, one good and beneficial statute, entituled, an acte for the continuaunce of makyng of cappes
England and Wales
1573 |
Engelska |
10357 |
By the Queene. A proclamation for the restitution of thentercourse betwixt the kingdomes, countreys, and subiectes of the Queenes maiestie and the king of Spayne
England and Wales
1573 |
Engelska |
10358 |
By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie consydering that not withstanding that by great and mature deliberation of the wysest of this realme, a godly and good order of publique prayer and administration of the Sacramentes hath ben set foorth and allowed by Parliament ..
England and Wales
1573 |
Engelska |
10359 |
By the Queene. Whereas certayne obstinate and irrepentant traytours, after theyr notorious rebellions made against this theyr naturall countrey, haue fledde out of the same, and haue remayned in forraigne partes ..
England and Wales
1573 |
Engelska |
10360 |
By the Queene. A proclamation agaynst the despisers or breakers of the orders prescribed in the booke of Common prayer
England and Wales
1573 |
Engelska |