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1101 The humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, sent to His Majestie at York. - Concerning the removall of His Majesties arms, cannon, and ammunition, in his magazin at Hull. And the taking off the reprive of six condemned priests, prisoners in Newgate. With His Majesties answer thereunto. 14. April. 1642 England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1102 A relation of divers remarkable proceedings betwixt the Kings Majesty and his loyall subjects, exprest in these particulars following. - 1. His Majesties speech to the gentry of the county of Yorke. attending his Majesty at his court at York, the 12. of May. 2. The answer and resolution of the gentry, and commonality of the county of Yorke, to His Majesties speech. 3. A letter of thankes from the Lords in Parliament assembled, to the county of Yorke. 4. A declaration of both houses of Parliament, as it was ordered to be printed the 12. of May. Iohn Browne, Cler. Parl. 5. Stafford-shire petition presented to the Honourable House of Commons by the knights esquires, gentlemen, ministers, free-holders, and other inhabitants of the county of Stafford England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1103 The proceedings in the late treaty of peace· - Together with severall letters of his Majesty to the Queen, and of Prince Rupert to the Earle of Northampton, which were intercepted and brought to the Parliament. With a declaration of the Lords and Commons upon those proceedings and letters. Ordered by the Lords and Commons, that these proceedings, letters, and declaration be forthwith printed. H. Elsing Cler. Parliament. Dom. Com 1643 Engelska
1104 The humble petition of the citie of Bristoll, for an accommodation of peace between His Majestie, and the honourable the High Court of Parliament. - As it was presented to the Kings most excellent Majestie, at the court at Oxford, by foure of the aldermen of the said citie; on Saturday the seventh of Januarie, with His Majesties gracious answer therunto 1643 Engelska
1105 His Maiesties speciall command under the great seale of England. - To the Lord Major of the honourable City of London, dated Decemb. 9. 1641. For the speedy sending of precepts into severall wards of the city. To suppresse the tumultuous and unlawfull assemblies, and riotous disorders both in the City of London and Westminster. VVith a relation of the riotous assemblies, mutinous uproares, and disorders, made and committed by a company, of Brownists or Seperatists within the City of London and VVestminster. Also, in what manner they entred into St. Georges church, where one of them made a sermon, on Sunday Decemb. 12. VVhereunto is added the riotous insurrection and rebellion of some prisoners in New-gate condemned to dye, on Munday December 13. 1641 England and Wales 1641 Engelska
1106 His Maiesties letter, - directed to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster: concerning a treaty for peace. With the answer of both Houses thereunto; sent to His Majesty to Oxford, March 9. 1643 England and Wales 1643 Engelska
1107 His Majesties declaration, directed to all persons of what degree and qualitie soever, in the Christian world. - VVith a letter from divers godly ministers of the Church of England, to the assembly of the Kirk of Scotland; shewing the cause of these troubles. And a list of the popish vicker-generalls, Jesuites, priests and fryers, in England, and their names and places to them assigned, in the severall provinces of England, and Wales, to exstinguish the Protestant clergie, and religion, and bring in, and settle popery instead thereof 1644 Engelska
1108 His Majesties declaration, to all his loving subjects. - published with the advice of his privie councell England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1109 A joyful message sent from the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, to Sir John Hotham; - wherin he declares his last and full resolution concerning the said Sir Iohn, and the town of Hull. It being comfortable and welcome tydings to all His Majesties loving subjects. Together with Sir Iohn Hothams answer thereunto. Likewise his Majesties resolution concerning the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the army, now setting forth. Ordered by the Lords and Commons, that this be printed and published. Iohn Brown Cler. Parliament England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1110 His Majesties speech spoken to the mayor, aldermen, and commonaltie of the citie of Oxford, and to the high sheriffes of the counties of Oxford and Berks, with divers justices of peace in the said counties, at a generall summons. - Requesting their assistance by contribution of money, plate, and horses, towards the supportment of his present wars England and Wales 1643 Engelska
1111 His Majesties propositions to Sir John Hotham, and the inhabitants of Hull, July 11. - Wherein he declares his royall intention, either for peace or warre, published by His Majesties command. With Sir Iohn Hothams declaration concerning the same. And the French ambassadors desires to His Majesty. With the resolution of both Houses of Parliament for the sending down of forces. Ordered that this be printed and published Iohn Brown Cler. Parliamentorum England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1112 His Majesties speech, in the House of Commons 4⁰ Januarii 1641 England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1113 A political catechism, or, Certain questions concerning the government of this land, - answered in His Majesties own words, taken out of his answer to the 19 propositions, Pag. 17, 18, 19, 20. of the first edition; with some brief observations thereupon. Published for the more compleat setling of consciences, particularly of those that have made the late protestation, to maintain the power and priviledges of Parliament, when they shall herein see the Kings own interpretation what that power and priviledges are. It is this twentieth day of May, Anno Dom. 1643. ordered by the Committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning printing, that this book entituled, A Political catechism, be printed. John White Henry Parker 1643 Engelska
1114 By the King. A proclamation for calling in, and suppressing of two books written by John Milton - the one intituled, Johannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio, contra Claudii Anonymi aliàs Salmasii, defensionem regiam and the other in answer to a book intituled, The pourtraicture of His Sacred Majesty in his solitude and sufferings. And also a third book intituled, The obstructors of justice, written by John Goodwin England and Wales 1660 Engelska
1115 His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, in answer to a declaration of the Lords and Commons upon the proceedings of the late treaty of peace and severall intercepted letters, of His Majesty to the Queene, and of Prince Rupert to the Earle of Northhampton. - Oxford, 3. Iune 1643 England and Wales 1643 Engelska
1116 Prince Charles his letter to the Lady Marie his most royall sister. - As also, another to the Prince of Orange. In confirmation of the many favours passing between each other, during their residence in England. With, his many thanks to the said Prince of Orange, in behalf of his mother the Royall Queen of England, for her honorable eutertainment sic Karl, II, kung av England 1642 Engelska
1117 Three speeches made by the Kings most Excellent Maiesty. - The first to divers Lords and Colonels in His Majesties tent, the second to his souldiers in the field; the third to his whole army, immediately before the late battell at Keinton neer Banbury. Wherein His Majesties resolutions are declared, being sent to Master Wallis in London, in a letter from an eminent gentleman, Colonell Weston, one of His Maiesties commanders England and Wales 1642 Engelska
1118 The Kings Majesties answer to the paper delivered in by the reverend divines attending the honourable commissioners concerning church-government. Published by authority England and Wales 1648 Engelska
1119 The Kings Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of his Kingdome of Scotland. - With an act of the Lords of His Majesties Privie Counsell for the printing and publishing thereof England and Wales 1643 Engelska
1120 His Majesties message to both Houses of Parliament, of the eleventh of Iuly. 1642. - Together with His Majesties proclamation declaring His Majesties purpose to go in his royall person to Hull: and the true occasion and end thereof England and Wales MDCXLII. 1642 Engelska

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