1121 |
The copy of a letter sent from His Excellencie Robert, Earle of Essex, to Mr. Pym, a member of the House of Commons - also a order for the printing of Edw. Nicholas his letter, His Majesties secretary, to Sir Will. Boswell His Majesties resident with the States of the United Provinces ... together with the true relation of the passages at Sherbourn-Hill, which have relation to the aforesaid letters
Robert Devereux Essex, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |
1122 |
Tvvo letters - the one from his Excellencie, Robert Earl of Essex, to Anthony Nicoll, Esquire, a member of the House of Commons : the other from VVarwick-castle to Sir Samuel Luke at his quarters, concerning the state of the city of Gloucester
1643 |
Engelska |
1123 |
To the Kings most excellent Maiesty the humble petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament - sent by Sir Philip Stapleton to his excellency the Earle of Essex, and by him presented to His Sacred Majesty
England and Wales
1642 |
Engelska |
1124 |
A letter from a person of quality to his friend in the country
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
Printed in Year, 1675 |
Engelska |
1125 |
A letter from Sir Anthony Ashly sic Cooper, Thomas Scot, John Berners and John Weaver, Esqs. - delivered to the Lord Fleetwood : owning their late actions in endeavouring to secure the Tower of London, and expostulating his Lordships defection from his engagement unto the Parliament
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
1659 |
Engelska |
1126 |
The Earl of Sunderland's letter to a freind sic
Robert Spencer Sunderland, 2e earl av
1689 |
Engelska |
1127-1128 |
Laws and ordinances of warre - established for the better conduct of the army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the King and kingdom. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning the regulating of great inconveniences in His Excellencies Army
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
1646 |
Engelska |
1129 |
Two speeches made in the House of Peers - the one November 20, 1675, the other in November 1678
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
1680 |
Engelska |
1130 |
The Earl of Sunderland's letter to a friend in London - Plainly discovering the designs of the Romish party, and others, for the subverting of the Protestant religion, and the laws of the kingdom. Licensed and entred, March. 23d. 1689
Robert Spencer Sunderland, 2e earl av
re-printed in the year, 1689. |
Engelska |
1131 |
The proceedings at the Sessions--House in the Old-Baily, London: on Thursday the 24th day of November, 1681. before His Majesties commissioners of oyer and terminer, upon the bill of indictment for high-treason against Anthony Earl of Shaftsbury - Published by His Majesties special command
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
1681 |
Engelska |
1132 |
Two seasonable discourses concerning this present Parliament
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
printed in the year, 1675 |
Engelska |
1133 |
Gan fod y Ffurf Gweddi gyda Diolch ..
Robert Spencer Sunderland, 2e earl av
1685 |
Kymriska |
1134 |
His Majesties most gracious speech together with the Lord Chancellors, to both Houses of Parliament, - on Monday, October 27. 1673. By his Majesties special command
England and Wales
1673 |
Engelska |
1135 |
The speech of a noble peer, - at the delivery of the following petition to His most sacred Majesty
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
1681 |
Engelska |
1136 |
The proceedings against the Right Honourable the Earl of Shaftsbury, at the Old Baily, on Thursday the twenty fourth of November, 1681 - as they were taken by an impartial hand, and faithfully transmitted to every unbiassed reader : with sufficient reasons to justifie the Grand Jury in bringing in the Bill Ignoramus
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
1681 |
Engelska |
1137 |
An account at large of the proceedings at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayly, on the 24 of November 1681 in relation to the bill of high treason prefer'd against the Earl of Shaftsbury, which was foun'd sic ignoramus - giving an account of the jury, the evidence, the paper read in court, and all the most remarkable passages that hapned during the whole proceeding
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, 1st earl of
1681 |
Engelska |
1138 |
A brief character of the Protector Oliver Cromwel - with an account of the slavery he left the nation under at his death, comprehended in a seasonable speech concerning the upper house
Silius Titus
1692 |
Engelska |
1139 |
A letter from the Earl of Essex to His Highnesse Prince Rupert - concerning the putting to death of souldiers come out of Ireland taken prisoners : with His Highnesse answer thereunto
Robert Devereux Essex, Earl of
1645 |
Engelska |
1140 |
The letters from His Maiesty, and from the officers of His Majesties army, to the Earle of Essex at Lestithen, inviting him to peace and his refusall thereof
England and Wales
1644 |
Engelska |