101 |
A ballad of a countrey vvedding,
James, V, King of Scotland
1660 |
Engelska |
102 |
A remonstrance and resolution of the Kingdom of Scotland. - Shewing the lawfulnesse of the second coming into England to take up arms against all those that shall oppose the Parliament. Published with the advise of the Councell of Scotland
1642 |
Engelska |
103 |
The Jntentions of the army of the kingdome of Scotland, declared to their brethren of England
1640 |
Engelska |
104 |
The intentions of the army of the kingdome of Scotland, declared to their brethren of England, by the commissioners of the late parliament, and by the generall, noblemen, barons, and others, officers of the army
1640 |
Engelska |
105-106 |
The actis and constitutiounis of the realme of Scotland - maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie princeis kingis James the first, secund, thrid, feird, fyft, and in tyme of Marie now quene of Scottis, viseit, correctid, and extractit furth of the registers by the Lordis Depute be hir Maiestieis speciall commissioun thairto. Anno Do. 1566
(flera utgåvor)
the. xxviij. day of Nouember, the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir sax zeiris 1566 |
Skotska |
107-108 |
The examinations, arraignment & conuiction of George Sprot, notary in Aye-mouth - together with his constant and extraordinarie behauiour at his death, in Edenborough, Aug. 12. 1608. Written & set forth by Sir William Hart, Knight, L. Iustice of Scotland. Whereby appeareth the treasonable deuice betwixt Iohn late Earle of Gowry and Robert Logane of Restalrig (commonly called Lesterig) plotted by them for the cruell murthering of our most gracious Souereigne. Before which treatise is prefixed also a preface, written by G. Abbot Doctour of Diuinitie, and Deane of Winchester, who was present at the sayd Sprots execution
(flera utgåvor)
William Hart, Sir Lord Justice of Scotland
1609 |
Engelska |
109 |
The actis of the Parliament of the maist hie, maist excellent, and michtie prince, and our souerane lord Iames the sext, be the grace of God, King of Scottis, begune and haldin at Edinburgh, the xv. day of december. The zeir of God ane thousand fiue hundreth lxvij. zeiris - Be our said souerane lordis derrest cousing and vncle Iames Erle of Murray, Lord Abirnethie. etc. regent to our souerane lord, his realme and liegis. Togidder with the prelatis erlis, barronis, commissionaris of burrowis, speciallie compeirand in the said Parliament, as the thre estatis of this realme. The saidis actis being oppinlie red concludit and votit in the said Parliament, to remaine as perpetuall lawis to all the subiectis of this realme in time cumming
M.D.LXXV. 1575 |
Skotska |
110 |
In the Parliament of the richt excellent, richt heich, and michtie prince, Iames the sext, be the grace of God King of Scottis, our souerane lord, begunne at Striuiling, the xxviij. day of August, the zeir of God ane thousand fiue hundreth thre scoir and elleuin zeiris, and in the fyrst zeir of his hienes regne - Be his Maiesteis derrest gudschir vmquhile Mathew Erle of Lennox, Lord Dernelie. etc. regent to his hienes, his realme, and liegis: and thre estatis of this realme. And endit, and concludit vpon the seuint day of September nixt thairefter following, be vmquhile Iohne Erle of Mar. Lord Erskin. etc. being regent to his hienes, his said realme and liegis for the time: and the said thre estatis. The actis and constitutiounis following war concludit to be obseruit as lawis in time cumming
M.D.LXXV. 1575 |
Skotska |
111 |
In the Parliament haldin and begun at Edinburgh the XXIIII. day of October, the zeir of God, ane thousand, fyue hundreth, four scoir, ane zeiris - Thir lawis, statutis, and constitutiounis, ar deuisit, ordanit, and concludit, be the richt excellent, richt heich and michty prince, Iames the Sext, be the grace of God, King of Scottis, and thrie estatis of this realme, as followis
Anno, M.D.LXXXII. 1582 |
Skotska |
112 |
The lavves and actes of Parliament, maid be King Iames the First, and his successours kinges of Scotland - visied, collected and extracted furth of the register. The contentes of this buik, are expremed in the leafe following
1597 |
Skotska |
113 |
The acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraigne Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. - Holden by himselfe, present in person, with his three estates, at Edinburgh, upon the twentie eight day of Iune, anno Domini 1633
anno 1633 |
Engelska |
114 |
In the Parliament haldin at Edinburgh, the aucht day of Iunii, 1594. Thir lawis, statutis and constitutions, maid, and concludit, be the richt excellent, richt heich and michtie prince, Iames the Sext, be the grace of God King of Scottis, with avise of his estatis as followis
1594 |
Skotska |
115 |
The lawes and acts of Parliament made be the most excellent and mightie king and monarch James be the grace of God, King of great Britane, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Since His Maiesties XV. Parliament the XIX day of December 1597. Collected, revised and extracted foorth of the register of his H. kingdome of Scotland. With ane table of the principall matters conteined therein
Anno Dom. 1611 |
Skotska |
116 |
The actis of Parliament of the maist hie, maist excellent, and michtie prince, and our souerane lord Iames the sext, be the grace of God, King of Scottis, begun and haldin at Edinburgh, the xv. day of Decemb. The zeir of God ane thousand, fyue hundretth lxvii. zeir - Be our said souerane lordis derrest cousing and uncle Iames Erle of Murray, Lord Abirnethie etc. regent to our souerane lord, his realme and leigis. Togidder with the prelatis, erlis, barronis, commissioneris of burrowis, specialie comperand in the said Parliament, as the thre estatis of this realme. The saidis actis being oppinlie red, coucludit sic and votit in the said Parliament, to remane as perpetuall lawis to the subiectis of this realme in all tymes cuming
the vj. day of Aprill, the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir aucht zeiris. 1568 |
Skotska |
117 |
Regiam Majestatem Scotiæ veteres leges et constitutiones - ex archivis publicis, et antiquis libris manuscriptis collectae, recognitae, et notis juris civilis, canonici, Nortmannici auctoritate confirmatis, illustratæ, operâ & studio Joannis Skenaei, Regiæ Majestiati à conciliis & archivis publicis. Annotantur in margine, concordantiae Juris Divini, legum Angliæ, et juris novissimi Scotiae quod acta Parliamenti, vulgò, vocant catalogum eorum quae in his libris continentur vicesima pagina, indicat. Cum duplici indice, altero rerum, altero verborum locupletissimo
anno Domini. 1609 |
Latin |
118 |
Regiam Majestatem - The auld lavves and constitutions of Scotland, faithfullie collected furth of the Register, and other auld authentick bukes, fra the dayes of King Malcolme the second, vntill the time of King James the first, of gude memorie: and trewlie corrected in sundrie faults, and errours, committed be ignorant writers. And translated out of Latine in Scottish language, to the vse and knawledge of all the subjects within this realme. with ane large table of the contents therof, be Sr. John Skene of Curriehill, clerk of our Soveraigne Lordis Register, Counsell, and Rollis. Quhereunto are adjoined twa treatises, the ane, anent the order of proces observed before the Lords of Counsell, and Session: the other of crimes, and judges in criminall causes. The contents of this volume, followe in the twefth page
anno Domini 1609 |
Skotska |
119 |
Regiam Maiestatem Scotiæ, veteres leges et constitutiones - ex archivis publicis, et antiquis libris manuscriptis collectae, recognitæ, & notis iuris ciuilis, canonici, Nortmannici auctoritate confirmatis, illustratæ, opera & studio Ioannis Skenæi, Regiæ Majestiati à concilijs & archivis publicis. Annotantur in margine, concordantiæ Iuris Diuini, legum Angliæ, & iuris nouissimi Scotiæ quod acta Parliamenti, vulgò, vocant. Catalogum eorum quæ in his libris continentur vicesima pagina, indicat. Cum duplici indice, altero rerum, altero verborum locupletissimo
anno Domini. 1613 |
Latin |
120 |
In the Parliament of the richt excellent, richt heich, and michtie prince, Iames the sext, be the grace of God King of Scottis, our souerane lord, begunne at Striuiling, the xxviij. day of August, the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir and elleuin zeiris, and in the fyrst zeir of his hienes regne - Be his Maiesteis derrest gudschir vmquhile Mathew Erle of Lennox, Lord Dernelie. etc. regent to his hienes, his realme, and liegis: and thre estatis of this realme. And endit, and concludit vpon the seuint day of September nixt thairefter following, be vmquhile Iohne Erle of Mar. Lord Erskin. etc. being regent to his hienes, his said realme, and liegis for the tyme: and the saidis thre estatis. The actis, and constitutiounis following war concludit to be obseruit as lawis in tyme cumming
Anno Do. M.D.LXXIII. 1573 |
Skotska |