12441 |
Third International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks - 25-27 May 1993, Brighton, UK
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 1993) Brighton :
Cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12442 |
International Conference on Electrical Installation Engineering in Europe - 8-9 June 1993, London, UK
International Conference on Electrical Installation Engineering in Europe 1993) (London :
Cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12443 |
Fourth International Conference on Holographic Systems, Components and Applications - 13-15 September 1993, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Components and Applications 1993 : Neuchâtel) International Conference on Holographic Systems
cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12444 |
Third International Conference on Power Cabels & Accessories 10kV-500kV - 23-25 November 1993, venue IEE London, Uk
International Conference on Power Cables and Accessories 10kv-500kV 1993) London :
Cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12445 |
Fourth European Conference on "Radio Relay Systems" - 11-14 October 1993, Edinburgh, UK
European Conference on Radio Relay Systems 1993 : Edinburgh)
Cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12446 |
Second International Conference on Broadband Services, Systems and Networks - 3-4 November 1993, venue the Brighton Centre, Brighton, UK : BSS & N
Systems and Networks 1993) Brighton : International Conference on Broadband Services
Cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12447 |
Seventh IEE European Conference on Mobile and Personal Communications - 13-15 December 1993, Brighton, UK
IEE European Conference on Mobile and Personal Communications 1993) Brighton :
Cop. 1993 |
Engelska |
12448 |
Second International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics - 12-14 April 1994, University of Nottingham, UK
International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics 1994) Nottingham :
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12449 |
Sixth International Conference on HF Radio Systems and Techniques - 4-7 July 1994, University of York, UK
International Conference on HF Radio Systems and Techniques 1994 : York)
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12450 |
Second International Conference on Advanced A-D and D-A- Conversion Techiques and their Applications - 6-8 July 1994, Cambridge, UK
International Conference on Advanced A-D and D-A Conversion Techniques and their Applications 1994 : Cambridge)
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12451 |
Sixth International Conference on Electronic Engineering in Oceanography - 19-21 July 1994, Cambridge, UK
International Conference on Electronic Engineering in Oceanography 1994) Cambridge :
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12452 |
Ninth International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility - 5-7 September 1994, University of Manchester, UK
International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility 1994) Manchester :
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12453 |
Fourth International Conference on Trends in Distribution Switchgear - 7-9 November 1994, London
International Conference on Trends in Distribution Switchgear 1994) London :
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12454 |
International Conference on Life Management of Power Plants - 12-14 December 1994, Heriot-Watt University, UK
International Conference on Life Management of Power Plants 1994) (Edinburgh :
cop. 1994 |
Engelska |
12455 |
International conference on electric railways in a united Europe, 27-30 March 1995 - venue, RAI International Congress Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
International Conference on Electric Railways in a United Europe 1995) (Amsterdam :
cop. 1995 |
Engelska |
12456 |
Ninth International Conference on Antennas and Propagation - 4-7 April 1995, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
International Conference on Antennas and Propagation 1995) Eindhoven :
Cop. 1995 |
Engelska |
12457 |
European Convention on Security and Detection - 16-18 May 1995, Brighton Metropole Hotel, UK
European Convention on Security and Detection 1995) (Brighton :
cop. 1995 |
Engelska |
12458 |
Sixth International Conference on Radio Receivers and Associated Systems - 26-27 September 1995, venue University of Bath, UK
International Conference on Radio Receivers and Associated Systems 1995) Bath :
cop. 1995 |
Engelska |
12459 |
Third International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics - 10-12 April 1996, University of Bath, UK
International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics 1996 : Bath)
cop. 1996 |
Engelska |
12460 |
Fifth International Conference on Satellite Systems for Mobile Communications and Navigation - 13-15 May 1996 ... London
International Conference on Satellite Systems for Mobile Communications and Navigation 1996 : London)
cop. 1996 |
Engelska |