12701 |
The life and prophecies of Mr Alexander Peden, late minister of Gospel, at New-Glenluce, in Galloway. In two parts. - Singular for piety, zeal, and faithfulness; but especially, who exceeded all to be heard of in our late ages, in that gift of fore-seeing of events, and fore-telling what was to befall the church and nations of Scotland, and Ireland, particular families and persons, and of his own life and death: as a few instances, amongst many thro' his life, take these that follow
Patrick Walker
M,DCC,LXXXI. 1781 |
Engelska |
12702 |
The life and prophecies of Mr. Alexander Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New-Glenhice, in Gall... in two parts. - Singular for piety, zeal, and fithfulness; sic ... especially, who exceeded all to be heard of, in our late ages, in that gift of foreseeing of events, and foretelling what was to befal the church and ...land and ... families ... of ... as a few ... many through ... these that follo
Patrick Walker
1791 |
Engelska |
12703 |
The life and prophecies of Mr. Alexander Peden, late minister of the Gospel at New Glenluce in Galloway. - Singular for piety, zeal, and faithfulness; but especially, who exceeded all who have been heard of in our late ages in that gift of foreseeing events, and foretelling what was to befal the church and nations of Scotland and Ireland, particular families, and persons; and, of his own life and death. As a few instances among many through his life, take these that follow. To which is added, the second part, containing, thirty new additional passages. Likewise, an exact copy of a letter from Mr. Peden to the prisoners of Dunnottar Castle, in the month of July, 1685, &c. Together with his thoughts on the cevenant of redemption
Patrick Walker
1776 |
Engelska |
12704 |
The life and prophecies, of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr Daniel Cargill, - Some time minister in the barony parish of Glasgow, who suffered martyrdom for the lord's cause with four others, at the cross of Edinburgh the 27th July, 1681, and their heads put upon the ports. Being singular for piety, zeal, and faithfulness, but especially for his fortelling future events that was to befall Scotland in general, and private families in particular. Such as his fortelling, the untimely and fearful deaths of these cruel persecutors, whom he had excommunicated at the Torwood, viz. K. Charles II. Lord Rothes, Duke of Lauderdale, Bloody Sir George Mackenzie, and Thomas Dalziel of Binns, &c. &c. Likewise, an account of his indictment, trial, sentence, and behaviour at the place of execution; with his last words upon the scaffold before he suffered. To which is added, a part of the life and untimely death of Argyle, who gave his casting vote against Mr Gargill, who was afterwards executed at the cross of Edinburgh himself, &c. By Peter Walker, who was himself a sufferor in those days
Patrick Walker
1778 |
Engelska |
12705 |
The sermon preach'd at the opening of the Synod of Dumfreis, at the ordinary meeting thereof, the 8th day of October 1723. By Mr. Patrick Linn one of the ministers of Dumfreis
Patrick Linn
M.DCC.XXIII. 1723 |
Engelska |
12706 |
A sermon preach'd at the opening of the Synod of Dumfreis. April 12th,1726. - By Patrick Cuming, M.A. minister of Lochmaben. Published at the desire of those who heard it
Patrick Cuming
1727 |
Engelska |
12707 |
A sermon preached at the opening of the synod of Dumfreis, April 12th, 1726. - By Mr. Patrick Cuming minister of Lochmaben. Published at the desire of those who heard it
Patrick Cuming
MDCCXXVI. 1726 |
Engelska |
12708 |
The Psalms of David in metre - Fitted to the tunes used in parish-churches By John Patrick, D.D. preacher to the Charter-Hoyse, London
Engelska |
12709 |
Tour through Sicily and Malta. - In a series of letters to William Beckford, Esq. of Somerly in Suffolk; from P. Brydone, F.R.S. In two volumes. A new edition, embellished with a collection of views, drawn on the spot by a late traveller and engraved from his drawings
P. (Patrick) Brydone
M,DCC,XCI. 1791 |
Engelska |
12710 |
A report of the trial of Patrick Finney, upon an indictment for high treason. - Before the Hon. Judge Chamberlain, and the Hon. Baron Smith. By William Ridgeway, Esq. barrister at law
Patrick. Finney
1798 |
Engelska |
12711-12712 |
The prohibition of blood a temporary precept. - Or, A discourse, wherein upon a full and impartial enquiry into the nature of the percept of abstinence from blood, and the ends of its institution, it is shewn, that it is not now obligatory under the Gospel, as asserted in the late book entitled, revelation examined with candour
(flera utgåvor)
Patrick Delany
MDCCXXXV. 1735 |
Engelska |
12713 |
Letters containing a plan of education for rural academies
Patrick Bannerman
M,DCC,LXXIII. 1773 |
Engelska |
12714 |
Memorial for William Urquhart of Meldrum, heritable Deputy-Sheriff of the shire of Cromarty, within the bounds of the lands and barony of Cromarty and others; and for Patrick Hepburn writer in Edinburgh, who has right, by adjudication, to the heritable Deputy-Sheriffship of that shire, within the lands of Newhall and others, mentioned in his titles, produced
William. Urquhart
1748 |
Engelska |
12715 |
A third riddle by the Revd. Doctor D----y
Patrick Delany
1726 |
Engelska |
12716 |
The tryal and conviction of Patrick Hurly, of Mougbna in the county of Clare, gent before the Court of Kings Bench in Ireland, on two several indictments. - The one for perjury, in swearing falsly that he was robb'd to the value of twelve hundred and one pounds, nine shillings. The other for a conspiracy to cheat hte popish inhabitants of the county of Clare of the said sum, by colour of an act of Parliament, entitled, an act for the better suppressing tories, robbers, rapparies, &c
Patrick Hurly
1719 |
Engelska |
12717 |
Twenty two sermons upon social duties and their opposite vices. Five of which were never before published in this Kingdom. And the sixteenth and seventeenth not published in the London edition. By the Author of The life of David
Patrick Delany
Engelska |
12718 |
A sermon preached in the old Church of Edinburgh, December 18th, 1745, being the fast-day, appointed, by the King, for the rebellion. - By Patrick Cuming, regius professor of divinity and ecclesiastical history in the University of Edinburgh, and one of the ministers of the city
Patrick Cuming
MDCCLVI. 1756 |
Engelska |
12719 |
Geography anatomiz'd - Or, The geographical grammar. Being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method. Comprehending I. A general view of the terraqurous globe; being a compendious system of the true fundamentals of geography: digested into various definitions, problems, theorems and paradoxes: with a transient survey of the surface of the earthly ball, as it consists of land and water. II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe; being a clear and pleasant prospect of all remarkable countries upon the face of the whole earth; shewing their situation, extent, division, sub-division, cities, chief towns, name, air, soil, commodities, rarities, archbishopricks, bishopricks, universities, manners, languages, government, arms, religion. Collected from the best Authors, and illustrated with divers maps. The fifteenth edition, corrected and somewhat enlarged; and a set of new maps, by Mr. Senex. By Pat. Gordon, M.A.F.R.S
Patrick Gordon
Engelska |
12720 |
Defences or objections for His Majesty's advocate in behalf of the Crown; against the claim of Patrick Hepburn writer in Edinburgh
Patrick Hepburn
1748 |
Engelska |