1381 |
A sermon, preached before the two high borne and illustrious princes, Fredericke the 5. Prince Elector Palatine, Duke of Bauaria, &c. and the Princesse Lady Elizabeth, &c. - Preached in the castle-chappell at Heidelberg the 8. of Iune 1613. being the next day after her Highnesse happy arriuall there: by that reuerend and iudicious diuine, Mr. Abraham Scultetus, his Highnesse chaplaine. Together with a short narration of the Prince Electors greatnes, his country, his receiuing of her Highnesse, accompanied with twe u sic other princes, thirty earles, besides an exceeding great number of barons and gentlemen, and eight daies ent rtainement sic. Translated out of High Dutch by Ia Meddus D. and one of his Maiesties chaplaines
Abraham Scultetus
1613 |
Engelska |
1382 |
Franklins farevvell to the vvorld, vvith his Christian contrition in prison, before his death
James Franklin
1615? |
Engelska |
1383 |
Carre. 1593. An almanacke and, prognostication for the yeere of our redemption. MDXCIII, being from the fyrst creation of the worlde 5555. yeeres with sundry short, pichthy, and pleasant rules and tables: worthy with delyre earnestly to be read, and with atte ... obseruation ... lesse diligently to be remembred: collected accroding to art by Iames Carre, maister of Artes
James Carre
1593 |
Engelska |
1384 |
Iacobs wel, and Abbots conduit - paralleled, preached, and applied (in the cathedrall and metropoliticall Church of Christ in Canterbury) to the vse of that citie; now to make glad the citie of God. By Iames Cleland, Doctor of Diuinitie
James Cleland
1626 |
Engelska |
1385 |
The actis and constitutiounis of the realme of Scotland - maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht excellent, hie and mychtie princeis kingis Iames the First, Secund, Thrid, Feird, Fyft, and in tyme of Marie now Quene of Scottis, viseit, correctit, and extractit furth of the registers be the Lordis depute be speciall commissioun thairto. Anno Do. 1566
the xxviii. day of Nouember the zeir of God ane thousand fyue hundreth thre scoir sax zeiris 1566 |
Skotska |
1386 |
Manuductio ad coelum - a poem in two parts I. Of joy and sadness ... II. Of patience
Giovanni Bona
1681 |
Engelska |
1387 |
Six sermons lately preached in the parish church of Gouahurst in Kent - and afterwards most maliciously charged with the titles of odious, blasphemous, popish, and superstitious, preaching
James Wilcock
1641 |
Engelska |
1388 |
The Lord Hvmes his speech - delivered in the presence of the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, to the Honourable Court of Parliament of both Houses then assembled in Scotland, the 16, of this present moneth of August, 1641 : wherein is expressed his loyalty to His Majesty, his love to both nations, and his hearty desire unto that Honourable Assembly, to prevent the inconveniences that might arise between Scotland and England, though himselfe had bin sic formerly one of the chiefe covenanters against us
James Home Home, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
1389 |
A sermon preached before the King at New Market, October 11, 1674
Henry James
1674 |
Engelska |
1390 |
Minḥah belulah, sive, Strōmateus epistolikos - de vitâ functorum statu : ex Hebræorum atque Græcorum comparatis sententiis concinnatus : cum corollario de Tartaro Apostoli Petri, in quem prævaricatores angelos dejectos memorat
James Windet
1663 |
Latin |
1391 |
A proposal, shewing how this nation may be vast gainers by all the sums of money, given to the Crown, without lessening the prerogative - humbly offer'd to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to the knights, citizens, and burgesses, assembled in Parliament
William Killigrew
1663 |
Engelska |
1392-1393 |
A paradox against liberty written by the Lords, during their imprisonment in the Tower - a poem
(flera utgåvor)
1679 |
Engelska |
1394 |
The fortune-hunters, or, Two fools well met - a comedy : as it is acted by His Majesty's servants
James Carlile
1689 |
Engelska |
1395 |
The speech of Sir Robert Clayton, Kt., Lord Mayor elect for the city of London, at the Guild-Hall of the said city, to the citizens there assembled on the 29th of September 1679, for the electing of a lord mayor for the year ensuing
Robert Clayton, Sir
1679 |
Engelska |
1396 |
A discourse of penal laws in matter of religion - endeavouring to prove that there is no necessity of inflicting or continuing them : first delivered in a sermon ... occasioned by His Majesties late gracious declaration for liberty of conscience, and now humbly offer'd to the consideration of the publick
James Paston
1688 |
Engelska |
1397 |
A just narrative, or account of the man whose hands and legs rotted off, in the parish of Kings-Swinford, in Stafford-shire, where he died, June 21, 1677
James Illingworth
1678 |
Engelska |
1398 |
Naphtali, seu, Colluctationes theologicæ cum tribus ingentibus dubiis - viz De reditu decem tribuum, De conversione Judæorum, De mensuris sacris Ezekielis
James Calvert
1672 |
Latin |
1399 |
The declaration or remonstrance of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled - with divers depositions and letters thereunto annexed
England and Wales
1642 |
Engelska |
1400 |
Hydrogen energy - challenges and prospects
D. A. J. (David Anthony James) Rand
cop. 2008 |
Engelska |