1381 |
A fruteful, and pleasaunt worke of the beste state of a publyque weale, and of the newe yle called Vtopia: written in Latine by Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englyshe by Raphe Robynson citizein and goldsmythe of London, at the procurement, and earnest request of George Tadlowe citezein and haberdassher of the same citie
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
Anno. 1551 |
Engelska |
1382 |
The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
the yere of our lorde. 1533 |
Engelska |
1383-1384 |
Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes - Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, Chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne
(flera utgåvor)
John Preston
1633 |
Engelska |
1385 |
Here is conteyned the lyfe of Iohan Picus erle of Myrandula a grete lorde of Italy an excellent connynge man in all sciences, and verteous of lyuynge - with dyuers epystles and other werkes of ye sayd Iohan Picus full of grete science vertue and wysedome, whose lyfe and werkes bene worthy and dygne to be redde and often to be had in memorye
Giovanni Francesco Pico della Mirandola
ca. 1525 |
Engelska |
1386 |
The golden scepter held forth to the humble - VVith the Churches dignitie by her marriage. And the Churches dutie in her carriage. In three treatises. The former delivered in sundry sermons in Cambridge, for the weekely fasts, 1625. The two latter in Lincolnes Inne. By the late learned and reverend divine, Iohn Preston, Dr. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to His Maiesty, Mr. of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and somtime preacher at Lincolnes Inne
John Preston
1638 |
Engelska |
1387 |
Introduction to wisedome - Banket of sapience. Preceptes of Agapetus
Juan Luis Vives
Anno domini 1550 |
Engelska |
1388 |
The answere to the fyrst parte of the poysened booke, which a namelesse heretyke hath named the souper of the lorde. By syr Thomas More knyght
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1533 |
Engelska |
1389 |
The apologye of syr Thomas More knyght
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1533 |
Engelska |
1390 |
A dialoge of comfort against tribulacion, made by Syr Thomas More Knyght, and set foorth by the name of an Hungarien, not before this time imprinted
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
ye xviii. day of Novembre in ye yere of our lord. 1553 |
Engelska |
1391 |
A dialogue of cumfort against tribulation, made by the right vertuous, wise and learned man, Sir Thomas More, sometime L. Chanceller of England, which he wrote in the Tower of London, An. 1534. and entituled thus: = A dialogue of cumfort against tribulation, made by an Hungarian in Latin, and translated out of Latin into French, and out of French into English
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
M.D.LXXIII. 1573 |
Engelska |
1392 |
Epigrammata Thomæ Mori Angli, viri eruditionis pariter ac virtutis nomine clarissimi, Angliæq́ue olim Cancellarii
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1638 |
Latin |
1393 |
Epistola Thomæ Mori ad Academiam Oxon - Cui adjecta sunt quædam poemata in mortem clarissimi viri Roberti Cottoni & Thomæ Alleni
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
An. Dom. 1633 |
Latin |
1394 |
A frutefull pleasaunt, and wittie worke, of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle, called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas More knyght, and translated into Englishe by Raphe Robynson, sometime fellowe of Corpus Christi College in Oxford, and nowe by him at this seconde edition newlie perused and corrected, and also with diuers notes in the margent augmented
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1556 |
Engelska |
1395 |
A most pleasant, fruitfull, and vvittie vvorke, of the best state of a publique weale, and of the new yle called Vtopia: written in Latine, by the right worthie and famous Syr Thomas Moore Knight: and translated into English by Raphe Robinson, sometime fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1597 |
Engelska |
1396 |
Sir Thomas Moore's Vtopia - containing, an excellent, learned, wittie, and pleasant discourse of the best state of a publike weale, as it is found in the gouernment of the new ile called Vtopia. First written in Latine, by the Right Honourable and worthy of all fame, Sir Thomas Moore, Knight, Lord Chauncellour of England; and translated into English by Raphe Robinson, sometime fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Oxford. And now after many impressions, newly corrected and purged of all errors hapned in the former editions
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1624 |
Engelska |
1397 |
The common-vvealth of Vtopia - containing a learned and pleasant discourse of the best state of a publike weale, as it is found in the government of the new ile called Vtopia. Written by the right Honourable, Sir Thomas Moore, Lord Chancellour of England
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1639 |
Engelska |
1398 |
The doctrine of the saints infirmities. Delivered in severall sermons by John Preston, Dr. of Divinity, Mr. of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge. And late preacher of Lincolnes Inne
John Preston
ca. 1638 |
Engelska |
1399 |
The confutacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chauncellour of Englonde
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1532 |
Engelska |
1400 |
A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyghte: one of the counsayll of our souerayne lorde the kyng and chauncelloure of hys duchy of Lancaster - Wheryn be treatyd dyuers maters, as of the veneracyon and worshyp of ymagys and relyques, prayng to sayntis, and goynge on pylgrymage. Wyth many other thyngys touchyng the pestylent secte of Luther and Tyndale, by the tone bygone in Saxony, and by the tother laboryd to be brought in to England. Newly ouersene by the sayd syr Thomas More chauncellour of England. 1530
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1530 (May) |
Engelska |