141 |
Anticipated and abnormal transients in nuclear power plants Vol. 1 - proceedings of an international conference held at the Peachtree Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., April 12-15, 1987
1987 |
Engelska |
142 |
Anticipated and abnormal transients in nuclear power plants Vol. 2 - proceedings of an international conference held at the Peachtree Plaza Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A., April 12-15, 1987
1987 |
Engelska |
143 |
50 years with nuclear fission - National academy of sciences , Washington, D.C. and National institute of standards and technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 25-28, 1989 : sponsored by American nuclear society, National institute of standards and technology
cop. 1989 |
Engelska |
144 |
50 years with nuclear fission Vol. 1 - National academy of sciences , Washington, D.C. and National institute of standards and technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 25-28, 1989
1989 |
Engelska |
145 |
50 years with nuclear fission Vol. 2 - National academy of sciences , Washington, D.C. and National institute of standards and technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, April 25-28, 1989
1989 |
Engelska |
146 |
Advances in nuclear engineering computation and radiation shielding - proceedings of the topical meetings ... Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 9-13, 1989
1989 |
Engelska |
147 |
Advances in nuclear engineering computation and radiation shielding Vol.1 - proceedings of the topical meetings ... Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 9-13, 1989
1989 |
Engelska |
148 |
Advances in nuclear engineering computation and radiation shielding Vol. 2 - proceedings of the topical meetings ... Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 9-13, 1989
1989 |
Engelska |
149 |
Proceedings of the topical meeting on Nuclear waste isolation in the unsaturated zone - Focus '89, September 17-21, 1989, Las Vegas, Nevada
Nev. : 1989) Nuclear Waste Isolation in the Unsaturated Zone (Las Vegas
cop. 1990 |
Engelska |
150 |
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on Nuclear and hazardous waste management - Spectrum '90, September 30-October 4, 1990, Knoxville, Tennessee : sponsored by the American nuclear society, University of Tennessee, European nuclear society
Tenn. : 1990) Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management (Knoxville
cop. 1990 |
Engelska |
151 |
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on Safety of thermal reactors - Portland, Oregon, July 21-25, 1991 : sponsored by the American nuclear society
Ore. : 1991) Safety of Thermal Reactors (Portland
cop. 1991 |
Engelska |
152 |
Proceedings of the International topical meeting on advances in mathematics, computations, and reactor physics - April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, USA : jointly sponsored by the American nuclear society
Pa. : 1991) and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh Computations International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics
cop. 1991 |
Engelska |
153 |
Proceedings of the International topical meeting on advances in mathematics, computations, and reactor physics Vol. 1 - April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pa. : 1991) and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh Computations International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics
1991 |
Engelska |
154 |
Proceedings of the International topical meeting on advances in mathematics, computations, and reactor physics Vol. 2 - April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pa. : 1991) and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh Computations International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics
1991 |
Engelska |
155 |
Proceedings of the International topical meeting on advances in mathematics, computations, and reactor physics Vol. 3 - April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pa. : 1991) and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh Computations International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics
1991 |
Engelska |
156 |
Proceedings of the International topical meeting on advances in mathematics, computations, and reactor physics Vol. 4 - April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pa. : 1991) and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh Computations International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics
1991 |
Engelska |
157 |
Proceedings of the International topical meeting on advances in mathematics, computations, and reactor physics Vol. 5 - April 28-May 2, 1991, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Pa. : 1991) and Reactor Physics (Pittsburgh Computations International Topical Meeting on Advances in Mathematics
1991 |
Engelska |
158 |
Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on New Horizons in Radiation Protection and Shielding - April 26-May 1, 1992, Pasco, Washington
Wash.) Topical Meeting on New Horizons in Radiation Protection and Shielding (1992 : Pasco
cop. 1992 |
Engelska |
159 |
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on Nuclear and hazardous waste management - Spectrum '92, August 23-27, 1992, Boise, Idaho : sponsored by the American Nuclear Society, U.S. Department of Energy, Atomic Energy Society of Japan
Id. : 1992) Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management (Boise
cop. 1992 |
Engelska |
160 |
Proceedings of the international topical meeting on Nuclear and hazardous waste management Vol. 1 - Spectrum '92, August 23-27, 1992, Boise, Idaho
Id. : 1992) Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Management (Boise
1992 |
Engelska |