141 |
An oration, urging the necessity of religion, as the only permanent basis of civil government - Pronounced in the Baptist Meeting-House in Providence, at the commencement of Rhode-Island College, September 5, A.D. 1798. By Otis Thompson, A.B. Published at the request of the students. Four lines of Latin quotatons
Otis Thompson
1798 |
Engelska |
142 |
The sanctity of a Christian temple - illustrated in a sermon, at the opening of Trinity-Church in Pomfret, on Friday, April 12, 1771. By John Tyler, A.M. missionary from the venerable Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, at Norwich, in Connecticut. Five lines of Scripture texts
John Tyler
M,DCC,LXI i.e., 1771 |
Engelska |
143 |
An answer to the question, Why do you observe the rite, commonly called the Lord's Supper? - Also, a serious address to communicants. Accompanied with meditations, devotional exercises of heart, and forms of prayer, suitable for the communion season, and for the use of families. By Enos Hitchcock, D.D. Two lines of Scripture text
Enos Hitchcock
1795 |
Engelska |
144 |
The last enemy destroyed. - A funeral sermon, delivered in the Baptist Meeting-House in Providence, July 31, A.D. 1791. Occasioned by the death of the Rev. James Manning, D.D. President of Rhode-Island College. By Jonathan Maxcy, A.M
Jonathan Maxcy
1791 |
Engelska |
145 |
The nature and design of Christianity. - Extracted from a late author
William Law
M,DCC,XCII. 1792 |
Engelska |
146 |
A New-Year's sermon - delivered at Providence, January 1, 1797. By Enos Hitchcock, D.D. Published by request of the Benevolent Congregational Society
Enos Hitchcock
1797 |
Engelska |
147 |
Constitution of a society for abolishing the slave-trade. - With several acts of the legislatures of the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode-Island, for that purpose
Providence Society for Abolishing the Slave-Trade
M,DCC,LXXXIX. 1789 |
Engelska |
148 |
From the Meeting for Sufferings for New-England, - to the several Quarterly and Monthly-Meetings belonging to the Yearly-Meeting
Society of Friends
1782 |
Engelska |
149 |
Union: or, A treatise of the consanguinity and affinity between Christ and his Church - By James Relly. Three lines from I Corinthians
James Relly
1782 |
Engelska |
150 |
An essay on man - in four epistles. To Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke. Written in the year M,DCC,XXXII. By Alexander Pope, Esq
Alexander Pope
1796 |
Engelska |
151 |
An oration, delivered in the Benevolent Congregational Meeting-House in Providence, on the fourth of July, A.D. 1798, - in commemoration of American independence. By Samuel W. Bridgham, A.M. Two lines in Latin from Horace Published by request
Samuel W. (Samuel Willard) Bridgham
1798 |
Engelska |
152 |
The resurrection of Jesus Christ considered and proved - and the consequent truth and divinity of the Christian system briefly illustrated. In a discourse, on I Corinthians, XV. 17. Addressed to the Second Congregational Church in the city of Newport, Rhode-Island, at the ordination of the Reverend William Patten to the evangelical ministry, and the pastoral office, over them. May 24, 1786. By Levi Hart, A.M. Pastor of a church in Preston, Connecticut. Three lines from Peter
Levi Hart
1786 |
Engelska |
153 |
A sermon, preached May 31, 1791, in Providence, state of Rhode-Island, on the death of Nicholas Brown, Esq - who died the 29th preceding, aet. 62. Published at the desire of the bereaved family. By Samuel Stillman, D.D. Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Boston, and fellow of R. Island College
Samuel Stillman
1791 |
Engelska |
154 |
The injustice and impolicy of the slave-trade, and of the slavery of the Africans - illustrated in a sermon preached before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, and for the Relief of Persons Unlawfully Holden in Bondage, at their annual meeting in New-Haven, September 15, 1791. By Jonathan Edwards, D.D. Pastor of a church in New-Haven. To which is added, A short sketch of the evidence for the abolition of the slave-trade, delivered before a committee of the British House of Commons
Jonathan Edwards
M,DCC,XCII. 1792 |
Engelska |
155 |
An oration, delivered in the Benevolent Congregational Meeting-House, on the Fourth of July, A.D. 1797, in commemoration of American independence. - By George R. Burrill, Esq; One line of text in Latin Published by request
George R. (George Rawson) Burrill
1797 |
Engelska |
156 |
The Love of Christ the source of genuine philanthropy. - A discourse on ii Cor. chap. V. ver. 14, 15. Occasioned by the death of John Thornton, Esq. late of Clapham, Surry: containing observations on his character and principals
M.DCC.XCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
157 |
Viro honoratissimo ac doctrina utilissima, sublimique virtute insignissimo Stephano Hopkins .. - Collegii nostri, Providentiæ, in Republica Ins. Rhod. et Prov. Plant. Nov Anglorum ... Habita in solennibus academicis commitiis Providenciæ ... pridie non. Septembris, A.D. M,DCC,LXXVI
Rhode Island College (1764-1804)
1776 |
Latin |
158 |
Elements of morality, - for the use of children; with an introductory address to parents. Translated from the German of the Rev. C.G. Salzmann
Christian Gotthilf Salzmann
M,DCC,XCV. 1795 |
Engelska |
159 |
The existence of God demonstrated from the works of creation. - A sermon, preached on Lord's Day morning, August 9, 1795, in the Rev. Dr. Hitchcock's meeting-house, in Providence. By Jonathan Maxcy, A.M. President of Rhode-Island College. Published at the particular reques of the students
Jonathan Maxcy
MDCCXCV. 1795 |
Engelska |
160 |
An Express just arrived from General Washington. - Camp at Cambridge, Oct. 24, 1775. Sir, The inclosed information being of the highest importance, I thought it proper to transmit it to you with all dispatch, I am Sir, your obedient servant, George Washington. On the service of the United Colonies. To the Hon. Nicholas Cooke, Esq; dep. gov. of Rhode-Island, Providence
1775 |
Engelska |