17201 |
The ground of Christianitie - composed in maner of a dialogue between Paule and Titus, contayning all the principall poyntes of our saluation in Christ
Alexander. Gee
Anno Dom. 1584 |
Engelska |
17202 |
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): The Politics and Practice of Refugee Protection
Alexander Betts
2012 |
Okänt |
17203 |
A heavenly portion - Set downe in a sermon, preached at the funerall of Mistris Frances Sentleger, at Smeeth: in the Countie of Kent. Who as she liued a most religious and godly life, so shee made a most happie, admired, and comfortable ende. By Alexander Lumisden, North-Britane, preacher of the word of God, at Postling in Kent
Alexander. Lumesden
1614 |
Engelska |
17204 |
Pare rga, sive Poetici conatus Alexandri ab Alexandro Gil Londinensis - ab aliquammultis antehæc expetiti, tandem in lucem prodeunt
Alexander Gill
1632 |
Latin |
17205 |
The happines of enjoying, and making a true and speedie use of Christ - Setting forth, first, the fulnesse of Christ. Secondly, the danger of neglecting Christ, and the opportunity of grace. Thirdly, the Lord Jesus the soules last refuge. Whereunto is added, St. Pauls legacie, or farewell to the men of Corinth. By Alexander Grosse B.D. Minister of the Gospel, and pastour of Bridford
Alexander Grosse
1640 |
Engelska |
17206 |
A modell of divinitie, catechistically composed - Wherein is delivered the matter and method of religion, according to the creed, ten Commandements, Lords Prayer, and the Sacraments. By Iohn Yates, Bachelour in Diuinitie, and minister of Gods word in St Andrewes in Norvvich
John Yates
1622 |
Engelska |
17207 |
The enemie to vnthryftinesse - publishing, by lawes, documents and disciplines. A right rule, for reformation of pride, and other prodigall and riotous disorders, in a common wealth: for the worthines of directions, a perfect mirrour for all maiestrates: (especially) of cities. And for sound counsels, and admonitions, a carde to compasse, or euery yong gentleman, honorablie and profitably to gouerne his actions. Partely, drawne out of the sage gouernment, of the most worthie emperour, Alexander Seuerus: and (generallye) discoueringe the vnsufferable abuses now raigning in our happie English common wealth. By George Whetstons gent
George Whetstone
1586 |
Engelska |
17208 |
Here begynneth a ryght frutefull treatyse, intituled the myrrour of good maners - conteynyng the .iiii. vertues, called cardynall, compyled in latyn by Domynike Mancyn: and translate into englysshe: at the desyre of syr Gyles Alyngton knyght: by Alexander Bercley prest and monke of Ely
Dominicus Mancinus
1518? |
Engelska |
17209 |
The tragi-comicall history of Alexto and Angelica - Containing the progresse of a zealous Candide, and masculine love. With a various mutability of a feminine affection. Together with loves iustice thereupon. Written by Alex: Hart Esq
Alexander Hart
1640 |
Engelska |
17210 |
The defence of the article: Christ descended into Hell - VVith arguments obiected against the truth of the same doctrine: of one Alexander Humes. All which reasons are confuted, and the same doctrine cleerely defended. By Adam Hyll, D. of Diuinity
Adam Hill
1592 |
Engelska |
17211 |
The true history of the tragicke loves of Hipolito and Isabella Neapolitans
1633 |
Engelska |
17212 |
Lectures upon the Lords prayer. By Alexander Huish, Master of Arts, and fellow of Wadham College in the Universitie of Oxford. Divided into three parts
Alexander Huish
M.DC.XXVI. 1626 |
Engelska |
17213 |
A treatise, of vveights, mets and measures of Scotland - With their quantities, and true foundation, and sundrie profitable observations, arising vpon everie one of them. Together with the art of metting, measuring & compting all sort of land with diverse tables. By Alexander Huntar, burges of Edinburgh
Alexander. Huntar
1624. With licence |
Engelska |
17214 |
An encouragement to colonies· by Sir VVilliam Alexander, Knight
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
1624 |
Engelska |
17215 |
The mapp and description of Nevv-England - together with a discourse of plantation, and collonies: also, a relation of the nature of the climate, and how it agrees with our owne country England. How neere it lyes to New-found-land, Virginia, Noua Francia, Canada, and other parts of the West-Indies. Written by Sr. William Alexander, Knight
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
An. Dom. 1630 |
Engelska |
17216 |
The tragedie of Darius. By VVilliam Alexander of Menstrie
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
1603 |
Engelska |
17217 |
Here begynneth the egloges of Alexander Barclay prest - wherof the fyrst thre conteyneth the myseryes of courters et courtes of all prynces in generall, the matter wherof was translated into Englyshe by the sayd Alexander in fourme of dialoges, oute of a boke named in latin Miserie curialium, compyled by Eneas Siluius poete and oratour, whiche after was Pope of Rome, et named Pius
Pius, II, påve
ca. 1530 |
Engelska |
17218 |
The boke of Codrus and Mynalcas
Alexander Barclay
1521? |
Engelska |
17219 |
The fyfte eglog of Alexandre Barclay - of the cytezen and vplondyshman. Here after foloweth the prologe
Alexander Barclay
1518? |
Engelska |
17220 |
Here begynneth the egloges of Alexander Barclay, priest - wherof the first thre conteineth the miseries of courters and courtes, of all princes in generall. The mattier whereof was translated into Englysshe by the saied Alexander in forme of dialoges, out of a boke named in latin, Miserie curialium, compiled by Eneas Siluius poete and oratour, which after was Pope of Rome, and named Pius. In the whiche the interloquutors be, Cornix, et Coridon
Pius, II, påve
1548? |
Engelska |