17281 |
Ordinatio ecclesiae - seu ministerii ecclesiastici, in florentissimo Regno Angliæ, conscripta sermone patrio, & in Latinam linguam bona fide conuersa & ad consolationem ecclesiarum Christi, ubicunque locorum ac genitium, his tristissimis sumptoribus, edita, ab Alexandro Alesio Scoto sacrae theologiae doctore
Church of England
Anno M. D. LI. 1551 |
Latin |
17282 |
Catechismus, siue prima institutio - disciplinaq́ue sic pietatis Christianæ, Latinè explicata
Alexander Nowell
Anno Dom. M.D.LXX. 1570 XVI. calend. Iul |
Latin |
17283 |
Christianæ. Pietatis prima institutio - Ad vsum scholarum Latine scripta
Alexander Nowell
1625 |
Latin |
17284-17285 |
A discourse, of marriage and vviuing - and of the greatest mystery therein contained: how to choose a good wife from a bad. An argument of the dearest vse, but the deepest cunning that man may erre in: which is, to cut by a thrid betweene the greatest good or euill in the world. Pertinent to both sexes, and conditions, as well those already gone before, as shortly to enter this honest society. By Alex. Niccholes, Batchelour in the art he neuer yet put in practise
(flera utgåvor)
Alexander. Niccholes
1620 |
Engelska |
17286-17287 |
Alexandri Neuylli Angli, De furoribus Norfolciensium Ketto duce, liber vnus. Eiusdem Noruicus
(flera utgåvor)
Alexander Neville
Anno salutis humanæ M.D.lxxv. 1575 |
Latin |
17288 |
Anglorum prælia ab anno Domini. 1327. anno nimirùm primo inclytissimi principis Eduardi eius nominis tertij, vsque ad annum Domini. 1558. carmine summatim perstricta. Item. De pacatissimo Angliæ statu, imperante Elizabetha, compendiosa narratio. Authore Christophoro Oclando, primó Scholæ Southwarkiensis propè Londinum, deìn Cheltennamensis, quæ sunt à serenissima sua Maiestate fundatæ, moderatore. Hæc duo poëmata, tàm ob argumenti grauitatem quàm carminis facilitatem, nobilissimi Regiæ Maiestatis consiliarij in omnibus huius regni scholis prælegenda pueris præscripserunt. Hijs Alexandri Neuilli Kettum: tùm propter argumenti similitudinem, tùm propter orationis elegantiam adiunximus
Christopher Ocland
Anno. 1582 |
Latin |
17289 |
Christianismou stoicheiosis, eis ten ton paidon opheleian hellenisti kai latinisti ektetheisa. = Christianæ pietatis prima institutio, ad vsum scholalrum Græcè & Latinè scripta
Alexander Nowell
Anno 1575 |
Grekiska, klassisk (-1453) |
17290 |
Catechismus, siue Prima institutio, disciplináque pietatis Christianæ - Latinè explicata
Alexander Nowell
Anno. 1576 |
Latin |
17291 |
A catechisme, or first instruction and learning of Christian religion. Written in Latine by A. Nowell. And translated into Englishe
Alexander Nowell
An. 1571 |
Engelska |
17292 |
Christianismou stoicheiōsis, eis tēn tōn paidōn ōpheleian hellēnisti kai latinisti ektetheisa. = Christianæ pietatis prima institutio, ad vsum scholarum Græcè & Latinè scripta
Alexander Nowell
An. 1578 |
Nygrekiska (1453-) |
17293 |
Christianismou stoicheiōsis, eis tēn tōn paidōn ōpheleian hellēnisti kai latinisti ektetheisa. = Christianæ pietatis prima institutio, ad usum scholarum Græcè & Latinè scripta
Alexander Nowell
Nygrekiska (1453-) |
17294 |
A catechisme, or institution of Christian religion - to be learned of all youth, next after the little catechisme, appoynted in the booke of Common Prayer
Alexander Nowell
1614 |
Engelska |
17295 |
A reproufe, written by Alexander Nowell, of a booke entituled, A proufe of certayne articles in religion denied by M. Iuell, set furth by Thomas Dorman, Bachiler of Diuinitie: and imprinted at Antvverpe by Iohn Latius. Anno. 1564. Set foorth and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions
Alexander Nowell
1565 |
Engelska |
17296 |
Generall demands concerning the late covenant - propounded by the ministers and professors of divinity in Aberdene, to some reverend brethren, who came thither to recommend the late covenant to them, and to those who are committed to their charge. Together with the answers of those reverend brethren to the said demands. As also the replyes of the foresaid ministers and professors to their answers
Anno 1638 |
Engelska |
17297 |
The reproufe of M. Dorman his proufe of certaine articles in religion &c. continued by Alexander Nowell. With a defense of the chiefe authoritie and gouernment of Christian princes as well in causes of ecclesiasticall, as ciuill, within their owne dominions, by M. Dorman malitiouslie oppugned
Alexander Nowell
Anno. 1566 |
Engelska |
17298 |
A true report of the disputation or rather priuate conference had in the Tower of London, with Ed. Campion Iesuite, the last of August. 1581. Set downe by the reuerend learned men them selues that dealt therein. VVhereunto is ioyned also a true report of the other three dayes conferences had there with the same Iesuite. Which nowe are thought meete to be published in print by authoritie
Alexander Nowell
1583 |
Engelska |
17299 |
Catechismus, siue Prima institutio, disciplina'que sic pietatis Christianæ - Latinè explicata
Alexander Nowell
Anno Dom. M.D.LXX. 1570 XVI. Calend. Iul |
Latin |
17300 |
The remonstrance of the nobility, barrons, burgesses, ministers, and commons, within the kingdome of Scotland - Vindicating them and their proceedings from the crymes, where with they are charged by the late proclamation in England. Feb. 17, 1639
Church of Scotland
Anno Domini 1639 |
Engelska |