17741 |
A present for a papist, or, The life and death of Pope Joan - plainly proving out of the printed copies and manuscripts of popish writers and others, that a woman called Joan was really Pope of Rome, and was there deliver'd of a bastard son in the open street, as she went in solemn procession
Alexander Cooke
1675 |
Engelska |
17742 |
The works of Capt. Alex. Radcliffe - in one volume : viz, Ovid's travestie, or, A burlesque upon Ovid's Epistles, likewise his Ramble, an anti-heroick poem, with several miscellanies
Alexander Radcliffe
1696 |
Engelska |
17743 |
Screen writing for film, television & computer
John Alexander
2008 |
Engelska |
17744 |
The poems of Horace, consisting of odes, satyres, and epistles,
Quintus Horatius Flaccus
M.DC.LXXI. 1671 |
Engelska |
17745 |
A trve copie of two letters brought by Mr. Peters this October 11 from my L. Forbes from Ireland - the one to the House of Peeres the other to the House of Commons : I. declaring the wofull misery of that kingdome in all corners and quarters, II. his very happie and successefull endevours against the rebels what they have been, III. how, through Gods blessing, with five or six thousand men presently sent he may regaine that kingdome yet before December be past
Alexander Forbes Forbes, Baron
1642 |
Engelska |
17746 |
An appeal to the Parliament, or, Sions plea against the prelacy - the summe vvhereof is delivered in a decade of positions : in the handling whereof, the Lord Bishops, and their appurtenances are manifestly proved, both by divine and humane lawes, to be intruders upon the priviledges of Christ, of the King, and of the common-weal : and therefore upon good evidence given, she heartily desireth a judgement and execution
Alexander Leighton
ca. 1640? |
Engelska |
17747 |
Sermons preached upon several occasions - (most of them) before the magistrates and judges in the Northeast-auditory of S. Giles's Church Edinburgh
Alexander Monro
Engelska |
17748 |
Youth prolonged electronic resource : old age postponed / Robert Weale
R. A. (Robert Alexander) Weale
uuuu-uuuu |
Okänt |
17749 |
Scotiæ indiculum, or, The present state of Scotland - together with divers reflections upon the antient state thereof
A. M. (Alexander Mudie)
1682 |
Engelska |
17750 |
The laws and customs of Scotland, in matters criminal - wherein is to be seen how the civil law, and the laws and customs of other nations doth agree with, and supply ours
George Mackenzie, Sir
1699 |
Engelska |
17751 |
An apology for the clergy of Scotland - chiefly oppos'd to the censures, calumnies, and accusations of a late Presbyterian vindicator, in a letter to a friend : wherein his vanity, partiality and sophistry are modestly reproved, and the legal establishment of episcopacy in that kingdom, from the beginning of the Reformation, is made evident from history and the records of Parliament : together with a postscript, relating to a scandalous pamphlet intituled, An answer to The Scotch Presbyterian eloquence
Alexander Monro
1693 |
Engelska |
17752 |
An ode, by way of elegy, on the universally lamented death of the incomparable Mr. Dryden
Alexander. Oldys
1700 |
Engelska |
17753 |
Tyrocinium linguæ latinæ, or, The Latine apprentice made free-man - wherein are discussed the difficulties which do incumber those who have to translate the English particles, moods, and tenses, according to the Latine idiome, or to make the reduction of verbs, and participles, from actives to passives, from personals to impersonals, from finits to infinits, or contrariwise : to these are subjoyn'd the differences and proprieties of Latine particles, such as, suiis, sui, ipse, quidam, quispiam, &c. and an alphabetical catalogue of verbs, which under one signification will have diverse regiments and constructions : in the last place followeth (as an epiphonema) most usefull and methodical rules of composing
Alexander Gordon, Sir
1664 |
Engelska |
17754 |
Three great victories - I. obtained by Collonel Jones, and adjutant general Louthanie, in the entring of the town of Chester, where they took all the northeast part of the town, and the barres, and all the outworks, and works, as farre as the east gate, with all the particulars of the said fight, and the summons sent in, for the surrender of the city and castle : II. the taking of the devizes, by lieutenant generall Cromwell, with the aricles whereupon it was surrendred, on Tuesday the 24. of September, 1645, with all the particulars, about the same : III. the copie of a letter from lieutenant generall Leshley, to his excellency the Earl of Leven, of the glorious victory obtained in Scotland against Montrosse, 3 barons, killed upon the place, 2500 also slain, 700 killed in persuit, 500 laid down their armes, 6 lords, and 1700 others taken prisoners, amongst which many of quality, and a list of the names of the chiefest of those were slain and taken, 4000 armes taken, and all Montrosses carriages and ammunition, bag and baggage : commanded to be printed ... publish'd according to order
1645 |
Engelska |
17755 |
The generall demands, of the reverend doctors of divinitie, and ministers of the Gospell in Aberdene, concerning the late covenant, in Scotland - together, with the answeres, replyes, and duplyes that followed thereupon, in the year, 1638 : reprinted in one book, by order of Parliament
1663 |
Engelska |
17756 |
Bacchinalia cœlestia - a poem in praise of Punch
Alexander Radcliffe
1680 |
Engelska |
17757 |
Florilogium phrasicon, or, A survey of the Latine tongue, according to the elegancy of it's sic proper dialect - necessary for all young students in the same for their better imitation, and practise thereof, either by their voice, or pen
John. Huise
1659 |
Engelska |
17758 |
A dialogue between A. and B. two plain countrey-gentlemen, concerning the times
Alexander Irvine
1694 |
Engelska |
17759 |
Theophila, or, Loves sacrifice - a divine poem
Edward Benlowes
1652 |
Engelska |
17760 |
An almanack of cœlestial motions for the year of the Christian epocha 1665 - being in our account second from leap-year, and from the creation 5614
Alexander Nowell
1665 |
Engelska |