161 |
The principles of Congregational churches, relating to the constitution and authority of ecclesastical councils, considered, and applied to the case of the late ordination at Wallingford - By Noah Hobart, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Fairfield. One line from Dr. Colman
Noah Hobart
1759 |
Engelska |
162 |
A discourse on the nature and benefits of Christ's intercession in heaven - By John Pierson, A.M. Eight lines from To the Hebrews
John Pierson
1765 |
Engelska |
163 |
The duty and privilege of gospel-ministers, to preach among mankind the unsearchable riches of Christ - A sermon, delivered at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Eleazer May, at Haddam, June 30, 1756. By James Lockwood, A.M. Pastor of the First Church of Christ in Weathersfield. Three lines of Scripture texts
James Lockwood
1756 |
Engelska |
164 |
Some serious remarks upon the Rev'd Mr. Jonathan Todd's Faithful narrative, of the proceedings, of the First Society, and Church in Wallingford; relative to Mr. James Dana's call and settlement - By Edward Eells, A.M. Pastor of the Second Church in Middletown: and a member of the United Council. Together with a vindication of the doings, of the Rev'd United Council, at Wallingford. By Noah Hobart, A.M. Two lines from Cicero
Edward Eells
1759 |
Engelska |
165 |
A sermon. Preached on occasion of the late treaty held in Albany, - by his honour our lieutenant governor, with the Indian nations, and the congress of commissioners, from several governments in these British colonies. By Theodorus Frielinghuysen, M.A. Pastor of the Reformed Dutch Church, in the place aforesaid. One line of Scripture text
Theodorus Frielinghuysen
MDCCLIV. 1754 |
Engelska |
166 |
The craftsmen - a sermon from the Independent Whig. Suitable to the peculiar malignity of the present day. With a preface, exposing the artifices of our priests and craftsmen; by the author of a late paper, signed Philo-Reflector
Thomas Gordon
Engelska |
167 |
The Querist: or, A letter to a member of the General Assembly of the colony of New-York. - Containing a variety of important questions occasioned by the charter lately granted for the establishment of a college
in the year M,DCC,LIV. 1754 |
Engelska |
168 |
Catalogus eorum qui in Collegio-Yalensi, quod est in Novo-Portu Connecticutensium ab anno 1702, ad annum 1763, - alcujus sic gradûs laureâ donati sunt
Yale College
M,DCC,LXIII 1763 |
Latin |
169-170 |
The Conductor generalis: or, The office, - duty and authority of justices of the peace, high-sheriffs, under-sheriffs, coroners, constables, gaolers, jury-men, and overseers of the poor. As also, the office of clerks of assize, and of the peace, &c. Compiled chiefly from Burn's Justice, and the several other books, on those subjects, by James Parker, late one of the justices of the peace for Middlesex County, in New-Jersey; and now revised and adapted to the United States of America. By a gentleman of the law. The whole alphabetically digested under the several titles; with a table directing to the ready finding out the proper matter under those titles. To which are added, the excise and militia laws of the United States; and the acts called the Ten Pound Act of the states of Pennsylvania and New-York
(flera utgåvor)
1794 |
Engelska |
171 |
The divine agency acknowledged in the death of our dearest friends - A sermon occasioned by the decease of Mrs. Esther Darbe, late consort of John Darbe, M.A. who departed this life Sept. 24, 1757. Aetatis 38. By Samuel Buell, M.A. and Pastor of the Church of Christ at East-Hampton, Long-Island. To which is added, a letter of condolence to Mr. Darbe, by the Rev. James Brown, of Bridge-Hampton, Long-Island. Three lines of Scripture texts
Samuel Buell
1757 |
Engelska |
172 |
Poor Roger, 1761. The American country almanack, for the year of Christian account 1761. - ... Calculated according to art, and fitted to the province of New-York ... By Roger More, philodespot
1760 |
Engelska |
173 |
The American country almanack for the year of Christian account, 1746 - ... Calculated from Caroline tables, according to art, and fitted for the province of New-York, but may without sensible error serve all the provinces adjacent. By Thomas More, philodespot. Four lines of verse
1745 |
Engelska |
174 |
A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts - at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St. Mary-Le-Bow, on Friday, February 20, 1767. By the Right Reverend Father in God, John Lord Bishop of Landaff
John Ewer
Engelska |
175 |
Some necessary and important considerations, directed to all sorts of people, - taken out of the writings of that late worthy and renowned judge Sir Matthew Hale. Wherein is discovered, his own experience of the inward and invisible guidance of the Spirit of God
Matthew Hale, Sir
MDCCLIX. 1759 |
Engelska |
176 |
An essay on the pleurisy. - By John Tennent
John Tennent
1742 |
Engelska |
177 |
A new exercise, to be observed by His Majesty's troops on the establishment of Great-Britain, and Ireland. - By His Majesty's special command
Great Britain
1757. (Price, one shilling) |
Engelska |
178 |
The various branches of ministerial duty explained and enforced; with some particular directions respecting the manner of life and deportment. - A sermon preached at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Azel Roe, at Woodbridge, in New-Jersey, August 12, 1761. By the Rev. Caleb Smith, A.M. Published since the author's decease, by a lover of his memory
Caleb Smith
1762 |
Engelska |
179 |
A general idea of the College of Mirania - with a sketch of the method of teaching science and religion, in the several classes: and some account of its rise, establishment and buildings. Address'd more immediately to the consideration of the trustees nominated, by the Legislature, to receive proposals, &c. relating to the establishment of a college in the province of New-York. Three lines of quotations in Latin
William Smith
1753. (Price one shilling and six pence) |
Engelska |
180 |
The American country almanack, for the year of Christian account, 1751 - ... Calculated from Caroline tables, according to art, and fitted for the province of Pennsylvania, but may without sensible error serve all the provinces adjacent. By Thomas More, philodespot. Four lines of verse
1750 |
Engelska |