1921 |
Animals in Saxon & Scandinavian England: Backbones of Economy and Society
Matilda Holmes
2014 |
Okänt |
1922 |
Graduate Employability in Context - Theory, Research and Debate
2017 |
Engelska |
1923 |
Great myths of education and learning
Jeffrey D. Holmes
2016 |
Okänt |
1924 |
Engelska |
1925 |
The Social life of Tibetan biography - textuality, community, and authority in the lineage of Tokden Shakya Shri
Amy Holmes-Tagchungdarpa
2014 |
Engelska |
1926 |
The Greek grammar; Or, A short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue - Wherein, for the greater ease of masters, and the more expeditious improvement of scholars, the common difficulties in the declensions, conjugations, contractions, accents, dialects, &c. are render'd clear and easy, and the usual obsecurities in syntaxis and Greek poetry entirely removed. The rules necessary to be committed to memory are distinguished by a larger character, and in Latin; the rest in a small letter, and in English. The whole methodiz'd on the principles of reason, and containing the substance of what has been taught by the best masters, both abroad and at home, viz. We..., Antesignanus, Clenard, Labra, Verwby, Golius, Korbir, Messieurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busey, Bp. Wettenhall, Dr. Sam. Clark, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c, to which is added a suitable vocabulary. By John Holmes, master of the publick grammar school, in Holt, Norfolk
John Holmes
MDCCXXXV. 1735 |
Engelska |
1927 |
Impartial reflections upon Mr. Duchal's remarks, upon an answer to a letter from a gentleman to a subscribing minister. By William Holmes, M.A
William Holmes
Anno Dom. M.DCC.XXXII. 1732 |
Engelska |
1928 |
The Greek grammar - Or, A short, plain, critical, and comprehensive method of teaching and learning the Greek tongue: Wherein, for the greater ease of masters, and the more expeditious improvement of scholars, the common difficulties in the declensions, conjugations, contractions, accents, dialects, &c. are render'd clear and easy, and the usual obscurities in syntaxis and Greek poetry entirely removed. The rules necessary to be committed to memory are distinguished by a larger character, and in Latin; the rest in a small letter, and in English. The whole methodized on the principles of reason, and containing the substance of what has been taught by the best masters, both abroad and at home, viz. Wellerus, Antesignanus, Clenard, Labbe, Verwey, Golius, Koeber, Messieurs de Port Royal, Vossius, Dr. Busby, Bp. Wetten Hall, Dr. Sam. Clarke, Mr. Camden, Mr. Leeds, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Lowe, &c. To which is added a suitable vocabulary. The second edition corrected. By John Holmes, master of the publick grammar school, in Holt, Norfolk
John Holmes
Engelska |
1929 |
A sermon preached from Rom. 5c. 7v. shewing the differance that is betwixt a good moralist and a Godly man. By a lover of Evangelical preaching
John Holmes
1764 |
Engelska |
1930 |
Holmes'-tract on the novel county-rates, Exeter, 1799, hypothetically founded on the births of two acts of Parliament, (12 and 13 George II.) Now nearly sixty years of age - Collated with country-rates, Devon, &c. Where forfeitures of recognizances, felon's goods, &c. pass into His Majesty's Exchequer, but in Exeter, to the burser of the chamber of Exeter; including a sketch of the present state of the city bodies-corporate, generally and specially discussed; by William Holmes, Esq. a deaf freeman of Exeter, S.C.L.---Oxford. Duly entered at Stationers' Hall, London. This tract sold by Mr. Samual Coker, Sadler's Ironmonger, near the public pump, South-Street, Exeter-who will keep the account of sale without reward-as the profit by sale (if any) will be far public benefit-if a loss, Mr. H. will readily pay it. Sold also by all booksellers in England
William Holmes
1800 |
Engelska |
1931 |
The treatise of the theory, construction, and improvement of the harbors and inland navigation of Great-Britain, deduced from self-evident principles; most humbly addressed to His Majesty. By C. Holmes, surveyor and engineer
C. Holmes
1765? |
Engelska |
1932 |
Manual of Operative Maxillofacial Trauma Surgery
Michael. Perry
2014 |
Engelska |
1933 |
Ancestry of Experience: A Journey into Hawaiian Ways of Knowing
Leilani Holmes
2012 |
Okänt |
1934 |
Culture in Conflict: Irregular Warfare, Culture Policy, and the Marine Corps
Paula Holmes-Eber
2014 |
Okänt |
1935 |
An essay shewing the wisdom of God, in appointing men to minister about holy things. - By Lionel Holmes A. M. Rector of Somerby in Lincolnshire
Lionel Holmes
1716 |
Engelska |
1936 |
The art of rhetoric made easy: or, The elements of oratory briefly stated, and fitted for the practice of the studious youth of Great-Britain and Ireland - In two books. The first comprehending the principles of that excellent art, conformable to, and supported by the authority of the most accurate orators and rhetoricians, both ancient and modern, viz. Isocrates. Aristotle, Cicero, Dionysius Halicarnass. Quintilian, Vossius, Petrusramus, Cyp. Soarius, Aud. Talŭs, Dugaro, Farwaby, Butlen, Smith, Walker, Burton, Blackwall, Lowe. Rollin, ABp. of Cambray, Miss. De Port-Royal &, the whole being distinguished into what is necessary to be repeated, and what may be made only matter of observation. The second containing the substance of Lon-Ginus's celebrated treatise on the sublime. In both which all technical terms are fully explained, with their derivations, and proper examples applied to demonstrate and illustrate all the tropes, figures, and fine turns, that are to be met with, or imitated, either in the scriptures, classics, or other polite writings as well oratorial as poetical. The third impression, corrected and improved. By John Holmes, late master of the publick grammar-school, in Holt, Norfolk
John Holmes
MDCCLXVI. 1766 |
Engelska |
1937 |
The country clergyman's advice to his parishioners. - Explaining what they are to believe, and do, in order to be saved. Addressed chiefly to those who are of the younger sort
William Holmes
1799 |
Engelska |
1938 |
Red star over the Pacific - China's rise and the challenge to U.S. maritime strategy
Toshi Yoshihara
c2010 |
Engelska |
1939 |
A sermon, preached at Cambridge, on the Lord's-Day, December 29, 1799, - occasioned by the death of George Washington, commander in chief of the American armies, and late president of the United States of America. By Abiel Holmes, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Cambridge
Abiel Holmes
1800 |
Engelska |
1940 |
A system of rhetorick, in a method entirely new. - Containing all the tropes and figures necessary to illustrate the classicks, both poetical and historical. For the use of schools. By John Sterling ... To which is added, The art of rhetorick made easy: or, The elements of oratory, briefly stated, and fitted for the practice of the studious youth of Great-Britain, Ireland, and the United States of America. Illustrated with proper examples to each figure, and a collection of speeches from the best English authors. By John Holmes
John Stirling
1788 |
Engelska |