1 |
The Euroclydon vvinde commanded to cease: or, A quenching of the fiery darts by Scripture-arguments, declarations, and visions. - Being a moderate vindication of his Highness the Lord Protector, from the popular aspersions first accasioned sic against him by the malice of the Presbyterians, and now blown up by all parties. Also, something in behalfe of the desolate Church, and King Charles, which declares hopes of union between him and his Highness the Lord Protector, with an apology of the author concerning the year 1653. and many other things discovered
Arise Evans
1654 |
Engelska |
2 |
Mr. Evans and Mr. Penningtons prophesie: concerning seven yeers of plenty, and seven yeers of famine and pestilence. - Fore-shewing, what strange events and effects will fall in this present yeer, 1655, now the seven years of plenty are past, and the seven yeers of famine and pestilence are now at hand. Declared in vision of visions out of the prophet David. Together with the coming of the Fifth monarchy. Also, a great conflict with that great and terrible dragon Satan. With divers other notable visions and revelations necessary to be published
Arise Evans
Printed in the yeer, 1655 |
Engelska |
3 |
The bloudy vision of John Farly,
Arise Evans
Printed in the year. 1653 |
Engelska |
4 |
A message from God, by a dumb woman to his Highness the Lord Protector. - together with a word of advice to the Commons of England and Wales, for the electing of a Parliament. By Elinor Channel. Published according to her desire, by Arise Evans
Elinor. Channel
1653 |
Engelska |
5 |
The voice of Michael the archangel, to his Highness the Lord Protector. - for the salvation of himself and the three nations
Arise Evans
1653 |
Engelska |
6 |
King Charls his starre: or, Astrologie defined, and defended by Scripture, &c. - With the signification of the comet seen Decemb. 1652. As it hath relation to His Majesty, Charles King of Scotland
Arise Evans
Printed in the year, 1654 |
Engelska |
7 |
To his excellency, the Lord Generall Cromwell, and his Honourable Councell of the army at White-Hall - the petition of Arise Evans, living in Black-Friers, desireth in Gods glories behalf, the kingdoms behalf, your Honors behalf, and the whole worlds behalf: that you would with your most serious thoughts consider these few lines following
Arise Evans
1653? |
Engelska |
8 |
An eccho to the voice from heaven - or a narration of the life, and manner of the special calling, and visions of Arise Evans: by him published, in discharge of his duty to God, and for the satisfaction of all those that doubt
Arise Evans
1652 |
Engelska |
9 |
A voice from heaven, to the Common-wealth of England
Arise Evans
Printed in the yeare, 1652 |
Engelska |
10 |
The voice of the iron rod, to his Highness the Lord Protector. - being a seasonable admonition presented to him, and to all judicious men: by Arise Evans
Arise Evans
1655 |
Engelska |
11 |
To the most high and mighty prince, Charles the II. - By the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. An epistle written and humbly presented for His Majesties use, and enlightning of the nation
Arise Evans
1660 |
Engelska |
12 |
To his excellencie the Lord Generall Cromwell, and his Honourable Councel of the army at White-Hall. - The humble petition of Arise Evans, living in Blackfriers, on the behalf of Gods glorie, the kingdoms behalf, your Honors behalf, and the behalf of the whole world besides
Arise Evans
1653 |
Engelska |
13 |
To his excellencie the Lord Generall Cromwell, and his Honourable Councell of the army at White-Hall. - The petition of Arise Evans, living in Black friers, desireth in Gods glories behalf, the kingdoms behalf, your Honors behalf, and the whole worlds behalf : that you would with your most serious thoughts consider these few lines following
Arise Evans
1653 |
Engelska |
14 |
The voice of King Charls the father, to Charls the son; and, the bride say, come. - Being, an invitation of King Charls to come in peaceably, and be reconciled to his kingdoms, according to his father's minde; and shewing the integrity of his Highness Oliver Cromwel. Also, that the author's prophesie is fulfilled in part, and shall perfectly be verified in 1655. The Sabbath straightly to be sanctified & kept. The vindication of infant-baptism, and re-baptizing proved by Scriptures and fathers to be a truth. With an exhortation to the Royalists. And many other discoveries of truth. Noble Royalists, this is your way of advancement
Arise Evans
1655 |
Engelska |
15 |
The great & bloody visions;
Arise Evans
1654 |
Engelska |
16 |
The declaration of Arise Evans, from his study in the Black-Fryars, concerning his Highness the Lord Protector, and the government of the three nations of England, Scotland, and Ireland. - With his prophetick proposals, touching Mr. Feak, and Mr. Simpson, and the rest of the discontented and independent party: fore-telling, the great change that will happen in this present year, 1654. and the wonderful things that will befal the Anabaptists. Likewise, the bloody prophecie; concerning the lilly, the lyon, the son of Charles, the land of the moon, and the eastern eagle: with his interpretation upon each particular: directed to the people of England
Arise Evans
1654 |
Engelska |
17 |
To His Excellency the Lord Gen: Cromwell, and his Hon:ble Counsell of the Army at Whitehall. - The petition of Arise Evans
Arise Evans
1653 |
Engelska |
18 |
Light for the Ievvs, or, The means to convert them - in answer to a book of theirs called The hope of Israel, vvritten and printed by Manasseth Ben-Israel, chief agent for the Jews here, 1650
Arise Evans
1656 |
Engelska |
19 |
An eccho to the voice from heaven, or, A narration of the life, and manner of the special calling, and visions of Arise Evans
Arise Evans
1652 |
Engelska |
20 |
The bloudy vision of John Farly, interpreted by Arise Evans. With another vision signifying peace and happiness. Both which shew remarkable alterations speedily, to come to pass here in England, also a refutation of a pamphlet, lately published by one Aspinwall: called a Brief discription of the fifth Monarchy. Shewing that the late Parliament was that beast mentioned, Rev. 13. that this representative is the image thereof, and that the fifth Monarchy will shortly be established in the person of Charles Stevvart
Arise Evans
Printed in the year. 1653 |
Engelska |