1 |
A letter of that most religious and pious prince K. Edward the sixth to Nicholas Ridley Bishop of London, - for the taking downe of altars, and setting up the table in the steed thereof, subscribed by nine of the said kings Privie Councell, together with the said kings six reasons for the same alteration; all which are set forth in the Ecclesiasticall history, containing the Acts and monuments of martyrs, written by M. John Fox, and may there be read in the life of that ever blessed king
Edward, VI, King of England
Printed 1641 |
Engelska |
2 |
An act of uniformity
England and Wales
1549 |
Engelska |
3 |
Iniunccions geuen by the most excellent prince, Edwarde the Sixt, by the grace of God, Kyng of England, Fraunce & Ireland, defendor of the fayth, and in yearth vnder Christ, of the Churche of Englande and of Irelande, the supreme head - to al and singuler his louyng subiectes, as well of the clergie, as of the laietie
England and Wales
1548 |
Engelska |
4 |
Iniunccions geuen by the moste excellent prince, Edward the Sixte, by the grace of God, Kyng of England, Fraunce and Irelande, defendor of the faythe, and in earthe vnder Christ, of the Churche of Englande and of Ireland, the supreme hedde - to all and singuler his louyng subiectes, aswell of the clergie, as of the laietie
England and Wales
1547 |
Engelska |
5 |
Instruccions geuen by the kynges maiestie, to his commissioners, appoynted for the execucion of certain statutes, made in the fourth yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the Seuenth and the vii and the xxvii yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the Eight - to be inquired of, iu sic the shires and places, in the commission hereunto annexed, expressed
England and Wales
Mense Iulij, M.D.XLIX |
Engelska |
6 |
A proclamacion set furth by the Kinges Maiestie with the aduise of his highnes most honorable counsail, for the shortening of a day limited in another proclamation, concerning the abacing of the value of shilinges and grotes
England and Wales
M. D. LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
7 |
A proclamacion set furth by the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of His Highnes moste honorable counsail, the ix. day of Marche, in the fifth yere of Hys Highnes most prosperous reigne, forbidding the eating of flesh in the tyme of Lent, and other dayes prohibited
England and Wales
M. D. L. i.e. 1551 |
Engelska |
8 |
A proclamacion set furthe by the kynges maiestie, wyth the aduise of his most honorable privey counsail, the xviii. day of July, in the v. yere of his graces most prosperous reigne, against suche as slaunderously whisper and spread abrode false rumours of the further abacing of the coyne
England and Wales
M. D. LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
9 |
A proclamacion, set furth by the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of His Highnes moste honorable counsail, for the reformation of vagabondes, tellers of newes, sowers of sedicious rumours, players, and printers without license & diuers other disordred persons, the xxviii. day of April in the v. yere of His Highnes most prosperous reigne
England and Wales
M. D. LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
10 |
A proclamacion, set furthe by the kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of his highnes moste honorable counsail, the xvij. of July, in the v. yere of his highnes most prosperous reigne, wherein diuers wholsome and profitable lawes, made against regrators, forstallers, and engrossers, &c., are mencioned and recited
England and Wales
Mense Iulij, Anno 1551 |
Engelska |
11 |
A proclamacion, set furthe by the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of his highnes moste honorable counsaill, for the publishyng of sundery statutes and actes of Parliament heretofore made, for the prohibicion of the cariying out of the realme of gold or siluer, and of eschaunge and reeschaunge
England and Wales
Mense Iunij. Anno. 1551 |
Engelska |
12 |
A proclamacion, set furthe by the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of his highnes most honorable priuie counsail, in the v. yere of his highnes most prosperous reigne, for the prices of victualles
England and Wales
M. D. LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
13 |
A proclamation set furth by the Kynges Maiestie, for the abstinence from fleshe in the time of Lent, and other daies prohibited, the xiiii. daie of Februarie, in the seuenth yere of his Maiesties most prosperous reigne
England and Wales
1553 |
Engelska |
14 |
A proclamation set furth by the Kinges Maiesty, with the aduise of his highnes most honorable privy counsail, concerning casters and senders abrode of slaunderous and sedicious billes, the xx. day of May the v. yere of his most prosperous reigne
England and Wales
Mense Maij A.M.D.LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
15 |
A proclamation set furthe by the Kynges Maiesty, with the aduise of his most honorable privey counsayll, for the valuacion of the shillinges and grotes to a meaner and lower value and rate
England and Wales
M. D. LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
16 |
A proclamation set furthe by the Kinges Maiesty with the aduise of his highnes moost honorable counsail, the xi. day of September, in the v. yere of his Maiesties most prosperous reigne, inhibiting the melting of any his highnes coines of silver, being curraunt within his graces dominions
England and Wales
M. D. LI. 1551 |
Engelska |
17 |
All such proclamacions, as haue been sette furthe by the Kynges Maiestie (and passed the print) from the last daie of Ianuarij, in the firste yere of his highnes reigne, vnto the last daie of Ianuarij, beeying in the .iiij. yere of his said moste prosperous reigne, that is to saie, by the space of iiij. whole yeres. Anno 1550
England and Wales
1551 |
Engelska |
18 |
A message sent by the kynges Maiestie, to certain of his people, assembled in Deuonshire
England and Wales
1549 Mense. Iulij |
Engelska |
19 |
Iniunctions geuen by the moste excellente prince, Edward the. VI. - by the grace of God, Kynge of Englande, Fraunce, and Ireland: defendour of the faith, and in earthe vnder Christe, of the Churche of Englande and of Irelande the supreme head: to all and singuler hys louinge subiectes, aswel of the clergie, as off the laietie
Church of England
1547 |
Engelska |
20 |
Iniunccions geuen by the moste excellent prince, Edward the sixte - by the grace of God, kyng of England, Fraunce, and Irelande: defendor of the faythe, and in earthe vnder Christ, of the churche of Englande and of Ireland the supreme hedde: to all and singuler his louyng subiectes, aswell of the clergie, as of the laietie
Church of England
Anno. 1547 |
Engelska |