1121 |
Roman roads of Europe
Nigel Sitwell
1981 |
Engelska |
1122 |
Wildlife today - The world conservation handbook
1973? |
Engelska |
1123 |
Revelation a guide to reason: or, The word of God our supreme rule in religion. - A sermon delivered at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Stephen Peabody, to the pastoral care of the church in Atkinson. November 25. MDCCLXXII. By John Searl, A.M. Pastor of the church in Stoneham. Published at the general desire of the people
John Searl
1773 |
Engelska |
1124 |
The difficulties, duties and encouragements of Christ's ministers considered, - in a sermon preached at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Jonathan Eames, to the pastoral care of the church in New-Town, in the province of New-Hampshire, January 17, 1759. By Benjamin Parker M.A. Pastor of the Fourth Church in Haverhill. Four lines from II. Corinthians
Benjamin Parker
M,DCC,LIX. 1759 |
Engelska |
1125 |
A sermon, delivered 7th March, 1796, - at the ordination of the Rev. John Tappan, to the pastoral care of the Congregational Church in Claremont, New Hampshire. By Jeremiah Barnard, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Amherst, New Hampshire
Jeremiah Barnard
1796 |
Engelska |
1126 |
A sermon, delivered at Salem, in New-Hampshire, January 4, 1797, - at the ordination of the Rev. John Smith, A.B. to the work of the ministry in that place. By Nathaniel Emmons, A.M. Pastor of the church in Franklin, Massachusetts
Nathanael Emmons
M.DCC.XCVII. 1797 |
Engelska |
1127 |
Christ the great example of Gospel ministers. - A sermon preach'd at Portsmouth, at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Job Strong, to the pastoral office over the South Church in that place, June 28. 1749, By Jonathan Edwards, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Northampton
Jonathan Edwards
1750 |
Engelska |
1128 |
A sermon, preached at Surry, at the ordination of the Rev. Perley Howe, September 16, 1795 - By Asa Packard, A.M. Pastor of the church in Marlborough, (Massachusetts.)
Asa Packard
1796 |
Engelska |
1129 |
Ministers Christ's ambassadors. - A sermon, preached at the ordination of the Rev. Ebenezer Hill, to the pastoral care of the church in Mason, November 3d, MDCCXC. By Seth Payson, A.M. Pastor of the church in Rindge
Seth Payson
MDCCXCI. 1791 |
Engelska |
1130 |
A sermon, preached in Newmarket, at the ordination of the Rev'd. James Thurston, - to the pastorl sic office in that town, October 15, 1800. By James Miltimore, A.M. Pastor of a church in Stratham
James Miltimore
1800 |
Engelska |
1131 |
Christian courage necessary for a Gospel minister - An ordination sermon preached at Kingston, Sept. 29. 1725. When Mr. Ward Clark was ordained Pastor of the church there. By John Odlin, A.M. and Minister of the Gospel at Exeter. Prefaced by two of the Reverend Presbyters who assisted at the ordination. One line from Timothy
John Odlin
1727 |
Engelska |
1132 |
Jörgensenska cementtegelsformen "Fix"
N. H. Nilsson
1906 |
Svenska |
1133 |
Pris-kurant å färger i tuber
N. H. Gertsson
1873 |
Svenska |
1134 |
A public defence of the right of the New-Hampshire Grants (so called) on both sides of the Connecticut-River, to associate together, and form themselves into an independent state. - Containing remarks on sundry paragraphs of letters from the president of the Council of New Hampshire, to His Excellency Governor Chittenden, and the New-Hampshire delegates at Congress
1779 |
Engelska |
1135 |
Jesus Christ the wise master-builder of his Church - A sermon preached at the installment of the Reverend Mr. Ezra Carpenter, to the pastoral care of the people in Keene and Swanzey, in the province of New-Hampshire, October 4th 1753. By Ebenezer Gay, M.A. Pastor of the First Church in Hingham. Seven lines of Scripture texts
Ebenezer Gay
1753 |
Engelska |
1136 |
Prayer for a succession and full supply of Gospel ministers, very needful and suitable - A sermon preach'd at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. James Pike, in the parish of Somersworth in Dover, October 28th, 1730. By Jeremiah Wise, M.A. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Berwick. The following discourse, which is published at the desire of some that heard it, is in several particulars enlarged. Four lines of Scripture text
Jeremiah Wise
1731 |
Engelska |
1137 |
An oration on the illustrious George Washington, - who died December 14th, 1799. Pronounced before the citizens of Westmoreland, at the request of their committee and the Jerusalem Lodge, February 22d. 1800. By Roswell Shirtliff i.e., Shurtleff, A.B. Two lines from Horace
Roswell Shurtleff
1800 |
Engelska |
1138 |
An oration, pronounced at Hanover, Newhampshire, January 9, 1800 - At request of Franklin Lodge, no. 6, in memory of their illustrious brother, the beloved Washington; who died at Mount Vernon, Dec. 14, 1799. By Brother William Woodward. (Published by desire.)
William Henry Woodward
Jan. 1800 |
Engelska |
1139 |
A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Amos Moody, - to the pastoral care of the church in Pelham, in New-Hampshire, November 20. 1765. By John Tucker, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Newbury
John Tucker
1766 |
Engelska |
1140 |
A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev'd Mr. Jacob Burnap, - to the pastoral care of the church in Merrimac, October the 14th, 1772. By Thomas Haven, A.M. Pastor of the West Church in Reading
Thomas Haven
Engelska |